In its early stages, corporate air flight tickets were used only by officials working for oil companies because they had to air travel frequently for business purposes. Air travel was preferred by these officials because it was fast and it was extremely convenient. At these early stages, the cost of these corporate air tickets was very high. Over the years, the price of these corporate air tickets has decreased significantly. This decrease in the price has led to an increase in the demand for corporate air travel, as the option of corporate air traveling has become attractive. This demand in turn has prompted several air travel companies to enter the business of corporate air travel. These companies attend to all necessities (pertaining to pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight) of its customers, in addition to the provision of the air flight tickets.

Nowadays, a large number of corporate executives wish to purchase corporate air flight tickets for their business travel purposes. Corporate traveling has made air traveling more convenient and efficient for these corporate executives. There are several advantages offered to people in corporate air traveling, when compared against ordinary flights. Some of the most important advantages offered to a person when corporate air traveling include; the person doesn’t have to arrive at the airport early in order to go through all formalities (such as luggage checking), the person doesn’t have to worry about their luggage been lost and the person can avoid the crowd in the airport lounges and other waiting areas. Another important advantage is that the corporate executive doesn’t have to worry about their flights been delayed or cancelled. This is especially important if they are planning to travel in order to attend an important meeting or conference.

When compared to ordinary flights, the travel schedule for corporate flights is more flexible (whether it is for domestic or international flights). All the in-flight facilities provided by ordinary flights will also be present in corporate flights. This includes the availability of flight attendants to attend to all needs of passengers, in order make sure that they are comfortable during the flight. The corporate executives may even be able to arrange for these corporate aircraft to take off and land at airports near to their homes and/or offices. Transportation to the airport and transport from the airport (after landing at the destination) may also be provided by the company which provided the flight service, upon request at a reasonable fee.

Another distinct advantage is that these corporate executives will be able to continue their work while onboard the aircraft, without suffering any kind of disturbance. All the furnishings and facilities which are needed to provide a good work environment will be available onboard the flight, which includes well-furnished and comfortable chairs working tables and hygienic bathrooms. Alternatively, if a person doesn’t wish to work while onboard the flight, there are several entertainment facilities such as videos and music, onboard the aircraft. In addition, air flight attendants will provide adequate refreshments during the flight. Meals and beverages will also be provided on the flight to all passengers.