Traveling by air, for your grandparents generation, was an experience of luxury to be treasured for a lifetime. Traveling by air today is not only not luxurious; its more often than not a real hassle. If youre planning to travel by air in the near future, and will be accompanied by your teenagers, then you could benefit greatly from any suggestions which can make sure your flight passes without any additional stress.

While flying with a teenager is not quite as big a job as fling with a toddler, its not without tits demands. Your teenager is old enough to handle most of the ins and outs of flying, but its up to you to make sure he or she knows what they are.

The first thing you should impress on your teenager is the seriousness of joking inappropriately while at an airport. Airport security personnel take all references to bombs, weapons, and terrorists quite seriously, and your teenager may say something in jest which ends up with his or her being asked to leave the security checkpoint for interrogation. Your teenager should avoid any words which could be related to violence. While you may think he or she already understands this, it cant hurt to provide a reminder.

Your teenager is certainly old enough to pack his or her luggage, but its your responsibility to check the contents of the bags before they get to the airport. You certainly dont want your teens carryon bag to trigger the suspicions of airport security, causing you a delay and possibly a missed flight.

You should also make sure that your teens checked luggage doesnt exceed the allowable weight, and that he or she has been careful not to pack anything in the checked bags which could tempt a thief or be hard to replace if it were damaged. Lost luggage is epidemic with the airlines, so tell your teen not to pack anything in a checked bag that he or she would be sorry to lose.

Even if your flight has a meal service, the amount and kind of food served probably wont be enough to keep your teen full for long. You can carry on bagged snacks like chips, fresh fruit, and cookies, but you cant take any drinks through the security line and youll either have to buy a soda for your teen before you board, or pay even more for one on the flight. As one money-saving option, you can take some empty bottles through security and fill them from the airport fountains. It may not be the best water your family has ever had, but it will keep you from becoming dehydrated on a long flight!

Tell your teenager to include something entertaining in the carryon bag. A book, DVD or MP3 player, GameBoy, deck of cards, or puzzle book can be a lifesaver, especially on longer flights or those with layovers. Dont forget the extra batteries, and make sure your teen uses the electronic devices only when given the OK by your pilot or flight crew.

Flying may not be the glamorous adventure that it once was, but neither does it have to be the part of a vacation you have to endure before the fun can begin. If youre flying with a teen, make sure both of you are on the same page regarding airport security and on-board behavior, and your entire trip will get off to a terrific start!