As each new day begins, numerous individuals, couples, and families prepare themselves for travel, usually by way of an airplane. Out of these people, a very large number of these travelers are traveling to international destinations. Over the past decade or so international travel has increased in popularity and many people are choosing to take their yearly vacations to destinations like,  Madrid, Milan, Tokyo, Hong Kong, etc. It seems that these places are finally reaching out to grab a hold of our attention because they have so much to offer. Where else can you experience a new way of life than by seeing it for yourself up close and personal. Travelers can now experience what they have read in history and geography books for so long, and they are gladly taking advantage of the opportunity. For many people, vacationing in one of these far away places will be a once in a lifetime opportunity, so they want to make sure that their experience is trasured and creates lasting memories. Because international travel is on the rise, there is a good chance that you may decide to venture overseas one day. If this is the case, you should familiarize yourself with a couple common international air travel rules.

You might find yourself asking, “Are international air travel rules different from domestic air travel rules?” Well, this might surprise you and confuse you, but there are actuallya couple differences in these two forms of traveling, so just because you may be a veteran domestic traveler, you might want to brush up on your internation air travel rules. Both types of traveling have similarities, but they have distinct differences as well. Below, you will find an explanation on just a couple of these rules that will help you when you make the decision to venture out to a distant land.

One of the similarities that international and domestic air traveling share is the airport security screening process. All airports require traveling passengers to pass through the airport security screening process, even if that airport is not classified as an internation airport. Transportation Secuity Administrators, or TSA officers, will check the security of your baggage, both checked and carry-on, and will have you pass under a metal detector unit to check for  weapons and dangerous items that may be hidden in your clothes.

Although you are traveling internationally, you may not be surrounded by international travelers alone. Many, if not all, international airports offer domestic as well as international flights, so you will find yourself mingled in among both types of travelers. Because of this, the screening process is the same for both. It would be too difficult and there really is no point in separating the two types of travelers to screen separately.TSA officers will ask you to remove any accessories, like belts and watches which may set off the metal detectors, as well as your shoes. If you are leary about taking your shoes of and walking around barefoot, have no fear, just ask a TSA officer for disposable booties to wear until you are safely through the metel detector and your shoes are available. Shoes are sent through the x-ray machine to ensure there are no explosives or other dangerous matierials hidden in them.

One of the differences between both types of traveling has to do with when you first check-in at the airport. It is part of the travel routine that when you first arrive at the airport you approach the airline counter to register yourself. This helps the airline know that you have arrived and that you are who you say you are. This counter is also where you will check your luggage and the airline employees will examine and weigh it. The difference at check-in is that domestic air travelers are only required to show a picture ID, whereas international travelers are required to show additional proof of identification, like a passport. This is a critical step, because the seemingly little mistake of not having a passport to travel, will keep you from traveling to your international destination. Although, a passport is the most common other identification form, the type of ID that you will be required to present depends on the airport you are leaving from and the airport you are traveling to. Other forms of ID that may be required of you include, a birth certificate, visa, or certificate of citizenship. Because of all of the troubles with international air traveling recently, TSA officers are requiring all of this extra identification because they are taking extra precautions. A word of caution: it may be your first instinct to bring all of these forms of identification with you, just to be sure that all your bases are covered, but try to refrain from doing this. Unless it is absolutely neccessary and you’ve checked with the airport, you will want to keep these important personal documents safe at home.

These above mentioned international travel rules and procedures are just a few of the many rules that you may be asked to follow. Traveling overseas is definitely an exciting experience, and one that you will treasure for many years to come, so try to make the trip run as smoothly as possible by being prepared to follow these rules. If you are unsure about which rules are different, it is advised that you seek the help of airport personnel. There are many people willing to help you get to your destination quickly and safely, so take advantage of their help.