You can only comprehend the international appreciation this magical city gets, when you have spent a few days and lived a few nights in this colorful and ever changing, largest and the wealthiest city in South Africa. On one side, with an exotic and the refreshing sight of suburbs that are abundant in leaves, this city is complete with skyscrapers, and townships on the other. Jodi, as this cosmopolitan is also called, has an estimated six million trees of sorts. South Africa’s Highest Court, here in Johannesburg, shares ground with large scale gold and diamond trade. O.R.Tambo International Airport is the largest and the busiest one in Africa.

Flights to Johannesburg are well connected with other important cities of the world. Cheap Flights to Johannesburg is always a choice-bloc, on transit passengers, as well as with those whose first and last destination is this city of dynamic and enchanting variations. Attractions that appear at the top of popularity charts are History museums, Apartheid Museum and the Hector Pieterson Museum. Gold Reef City and a huge amusement park, give these museums, a tough competition. Tourists usually fall in love with the exotic zoo in this city, which also happens to be the largest in South Africa. The aesthetic sense of this city speaks volumes, when we mention it Art galleries, Museums, Rock Art, and Market Theatres etc.

Sub Tropical highland climate of this city, enjoys the benevolence of sun. The months of October to April, are blessed with thundershowers that generally appear in the late afternoons. Sunniest time is the winter duration; where the nights are cool, and days not so harsh. Snow fall being rare is welcome guest besides the tourists!

The accommodation in Johannesburg is available easily and to suit all pockets. There are three and four star hotels, bed and bath inns, some that provide SPA and others that offer a good swim. For those who would not like to shell out more money for just accommodations, the budget inns are, supposedly the best choice. They also organize tours to all popular destinations in South Africa. For lingering noon lunches and romantic late night dinners, restaurants offer a sleek variety of food and beverages. The competitive degree, between Africa Restaurants, South Africa Restaurants and Johannesburg Restaurants, is not only exciting but actually offers one the best than the other food’. Food to appease, tourists from all parts of the world, is cooked by the well trained cooks, who challenge, to make you forget, whatever best you may have eaten, in any other part of the world. Time is right, flights are cheap, and so what’s the delay! Let’s jump into a budget flight and reach out for the leafy suburbs and world class Spas! Let’s freak out; lets Johannesburg!!