Before you arrive to any country, by boat,bus, plane or whatever, you must first of all see to it that you have all the necessary documents, cash, cards and anything valuable on you right at the moment you arrive.Sometimes it worse if you’ve never been there before Here are some tips you should know when traveling to a country.
Knowing about the rule and regulations of the country you are visiting will help and also prevent you from breaking them.
Try to get information prior to the rough layout of the airport, where you will be arriving.With this you get to know more about the airport and any necessary infomation.
Never take a taxi that seems to be hanging around, offering services, when there is a taxi queue.For example You probably have read a lot of threads on Beijing taxi and various scams have been mentioned, but they usually happened before 2008 Beijing Olympics. They did not apply to Beijing presently any more.
Official taxis are very easy to spot with their two-toned livery and big ‘taxi’ sign on the roof. There are still some older red taxis and black taxis, though. They all have number plates beginning with 京B and will display the driver’s license number and photo ID on the passenger side dashboard in addition to having the company’s name printed on both front doors. Also, the tariff is properly displayed in a red oval sticker on the rear door windows. Always ask for a receipt, or “Fa Piao” in Chinese, which is printed directly from the meter, which should also be clearly visible. If you have any problem, use the information on the receipt to report lost property, for example, or as proof to lodge a complaint via your hotel’s concierge.
Exchange of currency. You need to change some portion of your money into the local curreny of the country you are visiting before you depart. You can change currencies from your bank or at the your departing airport, arrival airport or you can do that at your hotel.And always keep small amount of local currency on you. This will prevent people from noticing that you have large sums of money with you.
Also, if you’ve not had enough information about your arriving airport, try to ask the airline staff or government tourism booth for both assistance and tips.