Dean of ordinary folk Beijing last spring October 1933 was born in Beijing, the Manchu. Beijing youth that devote themselves to study History and Folklore of North China to Beijing-based folk festival at the age of years, weddings and funerals, temple fairs, religion, drama and acrobatics are all proficient, known as “Beijing Tong.” More than a decade, which have been published in major newspapers in Beijing, papers, chronicle, historical accounts hundred articles. Published works include “Old Beijing customs,” “weddings and funerals – weddings, funerals, the old customs of Beijing” and 13, multiple award-winning books, Mr. Chang is considered the dean of Beijing folk last class people. Old Beijing Folk, mainly weddings and funerals, there was a period of time, they are considered feudal superstition, is strictly controlled. Today, do a “rude with marriage, there is no funeral instrument”, in fact, we did not spend less today, but There is too simple, too solemn a.

Focus on human etiquette, this is social progress, the past does have some superstitious things, including conspicuous consumption that is not good, but not absolute, total ban, this is not right. Tradition, a bad thing really should be removed, but the weddings and funerals can not be considered a bad thing, no need to ban it. In the folklore of the past and some do extreme things. Today, social progress, people increasingly feel the importance of protection of folklore. What is folk? Folklore is the most central part of public opinion, it reflects what the people aspire to study folk not to wear hearing aids research, skilled with his left hand to knock the table with ordinary spring and nodded, as if really listen to rap. But in fact, he did not issue any ring. Hearing, Mr. Chang has been close to zero. Journalists can only write out the problem, sir, glasses Tuishang Qu again, face almost attached to the paper, a little bit of recognition, when looking to understand, his face would suddenly see the light, showing a child-like smile. A 76-year-old cat and a wanton, nestled in 10 square meters around the small house, wearing a thick down jacket, Mr. Chang, the shelves behind, two enlarged old photo, a young man he had is that in their prime – background and foreground in sharp contrast, it can not help but sigh at the time of the force. Speaking of exciting place, Mr. Chang will be the side beat time, while singing from listening to the song 60 years ago, do not know whether Mr. hear their own voice, but at the moment, his face filled with intoxicated. Between mortal, as if aware that a reporter is sitting in front of him, ordinary spring smiled apologetically, pointing to the ear, said: “No way, I was young is a good ear.” Mr. Chang mean, when he heard things, can remember a few years.

I was born in 1933, whose real name is Chang Min, the word jade you, spring is my way ordinary name. My ancestors followed the Emperor Shun Zhi entry, is Xianghuang Banner, living Andingmen, then my family moved to Old Drum Tower Street, where it is now yellow. 1948, come down, and moved to the boundary in the West District are red flags. I Xingbushilang ancestors rose to the rank equivalent to deputy minister today, my grandfather graduated from the “Chaoyang University of Political Science,” and later became a district of Beijing Road, the Director of CID, the so-called Beijing Road region, means outside Beijing City and the fourth of eight County, later to supervise operations in the Zhang’s team as deputy commander, retired lawyer and antiques dealer. He was alive, my family is wealthy, so my father did was trade the day, Chihepiaodu smoke. Although I was full of people, but the original family name has been Mogao Qing, from the name often, it should be Aixinjueluo. I grew up poor physical condition, parents are afraid not make a living, 7 years old take me to Tiananmen Square to fire temples, worship, vice president of North China Taoist Association Tian Zi for a long time as a teacher, so I became a Taoist priest. At that time fire temples, Dongyue is now a group, not an apprentice in the temple, while the White Cloud Temple is Quanzhen, apprentices must be in Temple. Over the past when small Taoist very bitter, “beat style of singing,” four functions must be well versed in, the light will wear a dress I can not do. For taking tours of Beijing and China, please visit great wall tour for details. For taking tours of Beijing and China, please check great wall tours for details.