It seems like everyone enjoys a good adventure. However, proper preparation can certainly make the difference between a great trip and a great disaster. Knowing what to expect, what to pack, and covering your basis will make your trip go smoothly and therefore be a lot more enjoyable then being unprepared. Below you will find a collection of some of the most important adventure travel tips from experienced travelers.

Things To Do Before You Go:
It is important to do some research on the country that you will be traveling to. Are there things that you should be aware of before going to the country? For example knowing a little bit about the history, culture and political climate of the country you will be traveling in can not only help you stay safe it can also improve your enjoyment and knowledge of the trip. Also before going you will want to clearly find out what important documents you will need to take to travel. Will you need a passport for example? It can also be a good idea to find out the number and location of your countries consulate or embassy before going. This can again be a good extra safety measure.

Are You Covered?
One of the most important things to research before going on a trip is medical information. You will want to know if your medical insurance will cover you and if so what the procedures are if you are to get ill. Sometimes you will need to contact you medical insurance provider to get clearance before seeking any medical care in a foreign country. Otherwise you might get stuck with the bill yourself. Find out what the procedure for payment with your medical insurance company is and how it works. Do they reimburse you for any medical expense and if so what documentation will you need to get the reimbursement. It is also a good idea to make sure you have fund that are easily accessible in a medical emergency.

When You Go
It is important to get an information update on the current security measures necessary for air travel. These are changing frequently right now and it is therefore very important to check on the internet or with someone who has recently traveled. Don’t have anything on your person or in your carry-on that could be confiscated at the airport. When you are on the plane, pay attention to instructions about filling out the visa forms for the country you are entering. If you do not fill out the document on the plane, you could be charged a fee for completing one when you arrive at the airport. It is also a good idea to have some American one-dollar bills on hand for tiping when you go through the airport.

When you get there: adventure travel tips from veteran travelers urge other tourists to use common sense. Remember, you are in another country. People do many things differently from what you are accustomed to. You have a right as a guest to be treated well, but you also have a responsibility as a guest to behave well. Remember, if you are tempted to buy or use illegal drugs, that the laws in the country you are visiting are not necessarily the same as those of your own country. Foreign jails can be extremely unpleasant, and your family might have to spend a lot of money to get you home.

Just a few more adventure travel tips: stolen passports are worth a lot of money on the black market. Make sure yours is in a safe place when you are not actually carrying it. If the tap water of your host country is not safe to drink, do not use it to make ice-cubes. Freezing does not kill bacteria. Nor should the water be used to rinse lettuce or other vegetables or fruits. In some Third World countries it is best to know whom you are dealing with if you rent a vehicle. Disreputable rental operators have been known to steal rented motorcycles and cars, and then bill the renter for the cost of the vehicle. At night, keep away from dark, unfamiliar places. Being safe means being smart.