The New Year holiday is on its way. Jessica Biel Reveal You How to Defuse of bag Many people are preparing to go home and stay with their family. Some are also planning to go on vacations to get a good rest of both their mind and body. If you want to spend your holiday quietly and pleasantly, the beautiful and charming British private garden will be a good place. In the first half of this year, Britain has started plans of “guided touring to personal gardens” and “free journey to national park” which provides the tourists with 3,600 unique personal gardens and all the national parks in both London as well as the surrounding six Home Counties for free. With the starting of the two objects, the romantic gardens and parks in London have become a popular destination.And although spring and summer are the best seasons for visiting the parks and gardens, these parks and gardens will present a different scene in winter.

“Private Garden Tour” derives from the British “National Garden Scheme”. The design, carried out in 1927, by means of opening the gardens to the public, offers the majority of garden lovers and visitors the opportunity to take a tour in the private gardens and helps raise money for charity. Since 1927, the National Gardens Scheme has been fund-raising 45 million pounds (25 million raised for the past 10 years) for the care, charity care and horticulture industries. The majority of the 3600 gardens that were opened in The National Gardens Scheme are private gardens and will be opened only for several times every year. However, there will also be over five hundred thousand tourists who visit the gardens every year. This year’s “Private Garden Tour” program launched four times and two times garden tour respectively in the end of May and early July, they are Chelsea Flower Show and Hampton Court Flower Show.

In the UK, as long as there is a house there is a garden, more and more British are keening to build their own elaborate garden, gardens, the coverage and quality have reached a considerable level. In the open 3,600 private gardens, visitors can watch the masterpieces of many horticultural masters, including most famous female gardener of the early 20th century – Gertrude Kiel’s work. Her influence to the garden is all over the world, during her life has designed a total of about 398 gardens, he most influential one is in 1908 she designed a famous garden for the leading character of Crafts Movement-Charles Hohm which is named as Lord House Garden. Another well-known contemporary British gardener – Thomas H · Mawson, known as the Edwardian era leading landscape architect.

National Park is regarded as an important part of English Culture Heritage . This year, National Park welcomes its 60 anniversary, therefore, all national parks are free for tourists. The “National Park Week” is from July 27 to August 2, and each individual park makes a series of good activities. North Yorkshire moors National Park has hiking, rafting, archery, arts and crafts shows and in Pickering, the Roman reproduce and other activities near the camp Cauthorn. Lake Disrict National Park launched a tour of wild animals and plants, tour of archaeological sites, trip of Windermere and other places. The activities in the Exmoor National Park include the shepherd and falcon exhibition, search journey of cervus elaphus in Devonshire. The Northumberland National Park has offered forest exploration journey, trip of hunting insects, and provided opportunities to build a wall with dry stone for visitors.