Yellowstone National Park is one of the best reasons for living in and visiting the United States. The vast natural forest is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna and it’s been preserved so well that pleasant and exciting surprises await the adventurous visitor. If you’re planning a trip to Yellowstone soon, here are some travel tips you can use for your safety and security:

Be aware of prevailing conditions but be ready for anything
Yellowstone is like a whole different world in itself. Conditions vary here, changing easily from calm to stormy within just 24 hours. When traveling to Yellowstone, always check weather conditions in the area and use precautions to ensure your safety for the trip.

Practice defensive driving. The area going to and within Yellowstone is often used by both humans and animals. Be especially aware of distracted drivers, animal crossing and other related incidents. These will result to travel delays, so be very patient.

Bring all necessary gear and supplies
When traveling to Yellowstone, bring all the basics with you in terms of food, water, clothing and survival gear. Having sufficient supply of clean water is essential since water from the park itself is not guaranteed safe. Drinking water from streams, lakes, ponds or creeks that have not been boiled or treated could put you at risk of intestinal infestations and infections.

Even water from thermal pools isn’t safe for consumption. They have been known to cause serious burns in numerous visitors over the years.

As for equipment, think of worst-case scenarios. Bring a tent, weather-resistant clothing and other survival equipment such as lighters, all-purpose knives, flashlights, first aid kits, etc. to ensure your personal safety and protection.

Take care of your trash
Food, food scraps, containers, tissues and other materials that end up in your trash should be disposed of properly. During travel to Yellowstone, be aware that the trash you leave behind could have a negative impact not just on the environment but also on the animal residents of the area.

Think safety, regardless of where you are
When entering Yellowstone, know that you are at the mercy of Nature. Your only defense is correct information and common sense. When traveling to Yellowstone or participating in the numerous activities available there, be aware of animal activity. Bears, for example, are just a few of the natural threats that you have to watch out for. When driving, walking, hiking or camping, be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye out for signs of animal activity that might expose you to danger unnecessarily.

Follow regulations
Yellowstone maintains a strict system for its camps and backcountry areas. Be aware of all regulations that are in place not just to ensure you don’t violate any rules but also for your own personal safety.

Certain activities also require permits. Camping, for example, is allowed only in certain designated areas. Permits for overnight stays have to be obtained personally in advance, so check with the administrative office for information.

Enjoy yourself
Yellowstone is too beautiful to ignore. When traveling, bring a camera to capture the scenic routes and spectacular views. As long as you keep safety and security measures in mind, you can be assured of a very enjoyable trip to Yellowstone again and again.