Yoga and Meditation are practiced in India for centuries. Old rishis devised this system for taking acre of their health and is mentioned in Vedas and Upnishads, ancient scriptures. Unlike other things from ancient India, Yoga and meditation is not a dying knowledge. In fact, increasing number of people are learning it and enjoying its benefits to cure their health problems. These days, due to spreading awareness of Yoga and meditation in far off lands in the world, millions of people come to India every year to learn it and have its advantages. There are many learned gurus, instructors and training centers where one can learn this ancient skill. Several India Tour Operators are offering well-designed yoga and meditation India tours.

The purpose of each position in Yoga is to help the person achieve rejuvenation, longevity and self-realization. Yoga is the science of union of body and spirit. Patanjali, the father of Yoga described eight important areas of Yoga; the natural regulation of the nervous system; cleansing; discipline; postures; the awakening of awareness; concentration; and state of perfect equilibrium. Foreigners are also getting aware of importance of Yoga in their life. Thus, many of them come to India and stay there for several days or months to have its advantages. They come here for rejuvenation of their body, mind and soul and get relaxation from their stress.

Rishikesh is regarded as the most prominent place in Yoga tours in India. Besides, Kerala also is popular destination of Yoga tours. You can combine your Yoga tours to other places such as Rajasthan, North India, Goa and more. To make your Travel to India more relaxed and hassle- free, you can book your travel package online. Many reputed tour operators offer good options and discounts on Yoga and meditation tours in India. You can compare the packages offered by different travel operators and choose one that satisfies your needs more and within your budget.