You want to enjoy cheap travel? Then you have to become a backpacker. This is one of the best ways to travel with only the barest of necessities present while taking part of the unique culture of that country. Backpacking is not something that fits everybody. It is about adventure and sometimes, you have to brave some situations. It is not about finding comfort. It is about seeking adventure while exploring a unique world right in front of you. If you have the mindset of a backpacker, you can pretty much enjoy the simplest of pleasures and truly acquire a sense of adventure. Some of you might have traveled fabled posh paths of known cities only to find yourself in a conundrum of finding something other than the fine comforts of life.

Tip 1: The hostel

The word may sound dodgy. You think it’s something youngsters would consider but nowadays adults are also looking at these accommodations as the rate of international hotel accommodations skyrocket. Nowadays, you just have to get the address, head to the hostel and if you are lucky, if there are spare rooms, you can get it in a snap. Some hostels offer some conveniences but most of the time, you have to settle with what is available. Hostels are simply like dormitories. Nowadays, even the so called hostels offer more upscale living areas but the cost is still much cheaper compared to a stay in a posh 4 star hotel.

Tip 2: Travel like the nomads

It takes a lot of endurance and strength with some good sense of understanding about the area that you are entering. Walking trips are becoming very popular nowadays. For example, in most cities and towns, walks around the interior and the surrounding areas are very popular. From the camp site, you can walk towards the lovely national forests and explore the world as any human being should. If you plan to walk, you have to create a solid plan. It is necessary to have a schedule so that you know the pace of your travels and reach the entire destination without fail. Of course, you will have to bring tinier clothes since you will definitely lose some weight after the whole trip is finished.

Tip 3: it’s in the bare necessities

No Louis Vuitton luggage, please. If you plan for some cheap travel, you must know that you will not be walking on a runway show. Minimize your selection of items. Anything that can be consumed should not be included. Bring ample clothing and keep them diverse. Bring outfits that can work for both cold and warm weathers. Do not bring expensive, dry clean only items. You might need to bring sensible and protective shoes as well as more comfy flip flops.

Who said cheap travel is for sissies? If you are ready to explore and experience a whole world right in front of you, it is necessary to become more embracing of the unique experience by becoming a fully fledged backpacker.