With the price of air travel rising so fast it’s even more important now than ever to be able to search for and find dirt cheap airline tickets. By doing some easy homework you can save yourself hundreds of dollars each and every time you fly.

There’s little difference between experienced world travelers and occasional holiday seekers when it comes to saving money. Both groups want to travel as cheaply as possible and honestly your vacation or holiday will be much more enjoyable if you put more money in your own pocket by saving on the airfare.

Maybe you don’t really worry about the cost of your air tickets when you travel, but who among us doesn’t like to find a bargain and save cash. Personally I would rather keep the money in my bank account as opposed to handing it over to the airlines.

If you want to find ways to save on your airfare you’ll be glad to know that these days it’s easy to find dirt cheap airline tickets for most destinations with just a little bit of research online. If you’re a regular traveler these cheap tickets could add up to substantial savings over the year. Even if you’re just looking for tickets for one trip you’ll be glad to have more money to spend once you reach your destination. By learning how and where to find dirt cheap tickets we all win!

One thing you can do to get cheap ticket prices is to keep track of the prices to see what the trends are. You can do this through Farecast for U.S. flights. There are almost always certain days of the week that are cheaper to fly than others and with a bit of flexibility you can take advantage of this.

Another way to find bargain tickets is to subscribe to travel agency and airline newsletters. In some cases they will release special fares only for their newsletter subscribers. You can also call the airlines directly to see if they have unpublished special fares.
If you can tap into the knowledge of any frequent and experienced travelers you can usually get some good tips on how to get cheap airline tickets as well. These folks often learn their own special tricks for getting bargains.

When booking your flight don’t be afraid to ask about the lowest possible fares or any specials, you may be surprised. Also consider package deals that include both airfare and hotels as these packages can sometimes offer a substantial savings. In some cases your airfare will be almost free with a package deal, especially in tourist areas that are suffering lack of visitors.
There are many ways for finding dirt cheap airline tickets and the above highlight just some of them. In most cases you should be able to save a pretty substantial amount of money by doing a little bit of extra work.