Apart from being a classic vacation destination, Costa Rica is one of the safest countries to run a business. This has caused a tremendous increase in the number of business travelers to Costa Rica every year.All of this natural wonder in the most stable country both socially and politically in Central America, perhaps even all of Latin America, is heaven for especially the ecotraveler. To its credit, Costa Rica has the highest percentage of protected land in the world (Fenell and Eagles 1990). Further, Costa Rica has preserved these lands and natural habitats in such a way that they are more accessible to tourists than those of any other country in the region (Budowski 1993).Avoid Peak Season. Christmas through New Years week (December 15-January 5) and Easter Week are Peak Season not only for overseas visitors but for Costa Rica residents, too. Costa Rica schools are out, many governmental agencies and private businesses close, and thousands of Ticos flock to the most popular beaches. They will find the best bargains; you will pay the highest premium prices.

Regular taxis (those with government issued permits) are red and have a yellow triangle on both sides of the car with their license number. It is a good habit to remember this number just in case you forget something in the car. These taxis have a tax-meter. Make sure it is turned on and they charge you the amount showing.Poas Volcano is one of the country’s most visited volcanoes. Its crater is 1,5 km big and is one of the largest craters in the world. Entrance to the national park is closed during the volcano eruption. You should definitely observe a beautiful Botos lagoon located in one of the local craters. There is also a Sarchí town not far from Poas. This is the centre for Costa Rica wood handicrafts, where you can buy excellent hand-made things.

Is actually not very populated and not visited very often. But it is a great place to find sea turtles and other wildlife. The main refuge there is the Gandoca-Manzanillo. If fortunate, one may be able to find Hawksbill sea turtles from March to August. The great Leatherback turtle appears from February through April (it appears elsewhere in other seasons). Other sea turtles appearing on these wild beach sites are the Green, Loggerhead and Olive ridley. Manatees and Tucuxi dolphins may also be spotted sporting around in these beach areas.Costa Rica is right in the middle of the Americas, at the northern end of the narrow isthmus that connects North and South America. Of the seven countries that make up Central America, Costa Rica is the second smallest (El Salvador is the smallest). Despite its diminutive size (it’s about the size of West Virginia), Costa Rica has two beautiful coastlines (the Pacific and the Atlantic, also called the Caribbean), lush rainforests, active volcanoes, and great adventure travel options like rafting, hiking, and surfing.