Here are some exciting jobs across various domains which would include traveling. If you are passionate about traveling and also want to make a living out of it, this article will give you a brief idea about the various options available.

1. Become a travel writer – You can try being a freelance writer or a dedicated writer with an organization. This is ideal for people who want to pursue their passions of writing and traveling.

2. Travel salesman – Includes going to many cities / countries to promote your products and generate sales.

3. Business Development – Slightly different from sales man, here you travel to different places to not just products but the entire aspect of business like setting up a new office, channel sales etc.

4. Tour operator / Travel Agent – Organize trips for others, and travel yourself as well.

5. Flight crew / attendants – This one does include traveling but requires the person to be on toes all the time. You might actually find yourself in air more then on land, but one does get time to explore new cities in between

6. Travel journalist / critic – Getting paid to go and experience new places to review them. How cool is that! Undoubtedly one of the most sought after job on planet.

7. Diplomatic officers / external affairs – Serve your country and maintain relationships with others. This is indeed a good proposition.

8. Anthropological – Jobs which require studying various cultures and understanding their nuances

9. Academic – An academic career can take you to many places if you want. A good acadmecian is accepted any where in world.

10. Forces (army, navy, airforce) – Join the forces, it’s fun and adventurous and you’ll never have to remain at one place for long.