Kenya holidays are fiery and once you set foot on this republic you will begin to understand why most people simply can not get enough of it.

Tsavo National Park is so large it had to be divided into East and West and the diverse flora and fauna to be had here is the icing on the proverbial cake. The animals to be viewed here include lions and elephants, various antelope species among others. Tsavo holds a special place in the country’s touristic circuit because this is where Indian railway workers were turned into delicacies by the lions that roamed this region while the construction of the railway line was being undertaken.

From a gung ho project spot to a more docile neighborhood the contingency can then proceed to Mount Kenya National Park that has a spectacular natural forest to boot. While within this turf be sure to swing by the Aberdares for a round of fishing and pause at the Mau-Mau caves that were used as hideouts by the country’s liberators during the colonial era.

Still within this part of the commonwealth there is Mount Kenya that presents the avid mountaineer with the freedom to scale a snow capped mountain on the equator. This mesmerized many an explorer including Dr Livingstone known for having brought Christianity to the territory then succumbing to malaria.

Before the journey into the hinterland comes to a close be sure to sojourn at yet another elevation inside this body politic in the form of Mount Marsabit that has a small forested area at the top.

To complete the circuit in style a stopover at the Giraffe Center in Nairobi is imperative because you get to feed this gentle giant while he or she licks your face and hands as a sign of appreciation.

Kenya holidays for demoniac mammals and docile herbivores all rolled into one.