For visitors traveling to Cape Town South Africa from Miami, the most convenient flights are from Atlanta. You do have the ability to buy tickets directly from Miami to Cape Town or Johannesburg but a minimum of two stop overs are to be factored in. Usually, the flying time between Miami and Cape Town is of the order 27 hours with 3 to 4 hours lay over at an Asian or European airport depending on the carrier you choose.

KLM is a popular carrier between the U.S. and many South African destinations and offers attractive fares. South African Airlines, Delta, Air France, and United Airlines are among the other options. Delta is generally the most expensive carrier on this sector, but things could be drastically different on a given day. Always check with your travel agent and the preferred carrier’s website for latest information and current pricing.

Advance planning is very helpful when you intend traveling on long haul routes. Trans continental flights like the one to Cape Town from Miami are generally operated on code share basis which means that the carrier at Miami and the one that takes you to Cape Town are not the same. One or more Lay overs amounting to 3 hours+ should be expected and factored into your travel plans.

Due to the current security environment around the world, international airports in different countries have their own security regulations. If you are traveling in this sector for the first time, acquaint yourself thoroughly with all the rules applicable at your destination as well as the transit airports (though this may be of lesser concern).