More than ever before we are able to travel the world and see sights and places that a century ago was not even possible. If you are planning to see the world, then you have a variety of different travelling options to choose from, including but not limited to air, rail and car travel. We will now take a look at these three options, just that extra bit more in depth.

First and foremost the biggest and quickest form of travel is by air, whether this be aeroplane or helicopter. Air travel is now a multi million pound industry and has grown leaps and bounds over the past few years. The most major impact in the last decade would have to be in the form of budget airlines. Budget airlines basically offer a no frills alternative which will give you a massive saving on your pocket.

Next we take a look at the option for travelling by rail; although the trip may be considerably longer you will reap a whole new world of benefits. Not only will you be able to view the different aspects of scenery surrounding you. But you will also get the chance to jump off the train, for a few hours and take in the sites of each magnificent location.

Finally if you are feeling totally adventurous, you will be able to travel to your destination by car. Travelling by car is a great way to see how different societies live, and to take in different cultures. Being able to stop in each town, throughout each country is a great experience, but just make sure that before you leave for your destination, that you have a perfect working car, as you do not want to be left stranded in the middle of no where.

There are hundreds of more ways to explore the world such as cruises, which will in fact give you a wonderful sea experience. You can get various cruises that will take you to the Caribbean islands, as well as other different tropical islands. Besides that you can also go canoeing around the world or motor biking or even pedal biking. The possibilities are endless and who knows where we will be travelling in another century. Possibly the option of space travel, and space paradise would be an option for many people, we may well see budget space travel come into act, giving everyone the opportunity to see the earth from a different view.