There are lots and lots of ways that you can save a truck load of cash on your air tickets regardless of whether you fly once a year or regularly. Like anything else, its knowing important information, often inside information, that gets you results. A simple thing like cutting out travel agents is a good tip. When you take out agent’s fees and buy tickets direct then there can be a dramatic difference in price. Taking this into account why don’t you fly at night? This is not everyone’s cup of tea but it’s also why tickets are often cheaper when flying at night.
Buying your tickets from midnight often get great results. Midnight is generally the time when tickets first become available and also discounts and vouchers are released. And don’t worry about calling so late. You won’t be getting anyone out of bed or be calling them at home!! These companies take sales 24 hours a day.
I know someone in the insurance business and they kindly got me some amazing policies with low premiums. If you are wondering what this has got to do with air tickets then read on! If you know someone who works for a carrier or airline then ask them if they have any unused discounts for that month or season? You could be travelling on staff rates which are infinitely better than normal prices.
Budget airlines have superb discounts and offers if you can book air tickets early. They want their planes full and as early as possible. It’s how they work as companies. But, by the same token, because airlines want their planes full they will inevitably offer low ticket prices for very last minute flights. Beware though; you must be geared up for that type of trip. If you like to book flights off a certain amount of time to travel but actually choose your destination at the last minute. Then this type of discount is for you.