My girl friend fears to move travel for long distances be it by air or vehicles. It is not her alone but many people have that fear before boarding their next plane. What could be the reason?

Is it hereditary, is it a natural fear? Why it is that some don’t fall sick after or before a long journey on a plane. On this article get to know how to solve some problems concerned with long journey psychological problems.                                                                                                                                                                     
Others call it aviophobia I don’t know how you will call it. But it was in 1988 when I hard a long distance from my homeland to our capital city. I moved with older women and men who were not comfortable with this journey. I can remember o good number of them vomited in vehicle. By then I was still young but kept thinking why others didn’t vomit including me.

It was in 2003 on my journey from London to New York when I experienced another incidence of such where another woman vomited on our journey and I felt that, may be there was a certain type of people who fear to travel.

On my world travels I have come to know that naturally, there are people who have that fear in their body and I have managed to gather enough information on how one can avoid this to happen again in future.

I ‘m sure if you are going to a long journey, you have to plan it. And if your last journey was not good, you should have known the cause. The best way is to make sure to avoid the mistakes you made before the journey.

I remember asking the lady what happened I moved with in1988, and I can remember well when she said that the air from the exhaust pipe was not good and made her vomit. But what amused me was that she never wanted to go to next clinic for medical care. How about this one in the air conditioned plane from London to New York?

You will not have committed any crime but if you can avoid it, it can save you a great degree of humiliation.
There are some tablets that can stop this to happen in the course of your journey. But does that solve the future problem?

The best alternative is to visit a psychotherapist near you. These people are experience in distinguished fields and can help you. There are also machines which are made for such people to make a person ready for that journey.
Some of us were luck to be born in middle class home where we got the chance to move in a vehicle at an early age and therefore don’t have that phobia. But what I have come to know of recent is that, those who fear normally are people who were not used to flying at an early age or they have a history of having lost somebody in a related accident and therefore fear to travel. But other wise no one should fear to travel by plane as they are the best means of transport