There are endless little budgettraveltipsthatcan saveyou a little moneyhere and there.None of them willsaveyou tons of money, but all thoselittle bits can add up to an affordabletrip.

If you’revisitinga big city, hotelstendto be expensive the closer in you stayto the citycenter.Eventhe budgethotelsmightstrainyourbudget.Considerstayingin a suburbor the next smalltown over. Takea 15-20 minute bus or train ride intothe city. Hotels and restaurants willbe cheaper, and it may evenbe a cuter areato stayin.

Home swapsare becoming morepopular as a way to savewhileon holiday.They\’re good for families or smallgroups traveling;together to sharethe expense.

As an evenmorefrugal alternative to a hotel,if you’reyoungand adventurous,you mightevenwant to give”couchsurfing” a try.It\’s a system where you register,then are referredto strangerswho are willingto let you sleep on theircouch. Sign up to host or be a couchsurfer withan organization likeCouchSurfing. They willconnectyou withothers who are interested in letting you flopon theirsofa. You can alsosign up to host travele;rs;yourself;.

There are houseswapsand couche;s;to flopon all overthe world. You haveto be willingto giveup a little of yourprivacy,but you can savea lot of money…. and makenew friends whileyou’resaving – Budget travelcan be a lot of fun!!!

Considerbooking a fly/drivebundle or hotelsbundled withflights. You mightbe an independent travele;r;who likesto findyourown accommodations, but you mightfindyou can savea bundle withthosebudgettraveltips.

If you want to go to a play or the operalook for half-off, sameday sales booths.Manycities havethese.In Londonand New York where everyonewantsto see a play,thesebooths can saveyou a bunch.The only downside is you mightnot be ableto see the latest plays.You may haveto standin a long line, and you mighthaveto pay cash.

Arethere any budgettraveltipswhen you’rerenting a car? Get the smallestcar thatyou and yourgroup can fit in. Car companieslove to say they can “upgrade” you for only a little more…. but why do you want to pay moreif you don’tneedthe space. Biggercars takemoregas… gas is expensive. (And, the driverin our teamreminds me, they\’re harder to park.)

Don’tget the “gas package” where you can returnthe rental car empty… you’llnever get it to empty…. You\’ll be too afraid of running out of gas on yourway back to the airport,so you’lllose moneyon thathalf tank that\’s left. Justfill it up nearthe airport and savemoney.

Thinkabout yourbudget… and the environment when you leavefor yourholiday.Your housecan saveyou moneyif you unplugall thoseappliances thatsay in “ready mode”and suckelectricitywhileyou’regone. Unplugging them savesthe environment too. Lowerthe hot water heatertemperatureto “vacation”. Makesurethe heateror the air-conditioner are at moneysaving settings. The housedoesn\’t needto be heatedor cooled as much whileyou’regone.

All theselittle budgettraveltipscould add up to moretraveltime… so makesureyou takeall of thesebudgettraveltipsintoconsideration.