Jaded with the concrete jungles, urban hurry hounding you every waking moment? Come to Nagaland. Lofty hills, thickly wooded jungles and exotic warrior tribes – it is a fairytale land.

Very few are familiar till date with this place tucked away in the obscure corner of the eastern Himalayas. Come, explore it before others do.

Fact file on the place, before you set on the journey? How to go and what to see, where to stay – don’t worry, if the questions scrambled your head. Here we bring you all, just navigate !

In the northeastern corner of India, the state of Nagaland is perched on the foothills of the Himalayan range. A host of martial tribes chiefly inhabit the tiny colorful state comprised of 7 districts. In 1963 the land came to be a state in the Indian union.

A travel to Nagaland promises you a remote and serene locale. The state with its quaint blend of legends, history and splendid nature, still lies unexplored by the global tourists. Discover it before others do! ! !

This is the land of valiant tribes who braved many battles. Wish to behold in awe the exotic warriors donning multicolored spears and daos decorated with dyed goats hair, huge headgears and armlets embellished in animal teeth and bird feathers? Travel to Nagaland.

Listen to their enchanting tunes that sing of tragic love stories of yore, brave ancestors or religious gospels and revel in their colorful festivities. Treasure an experience of lifetime.

Activity or no-activity – it is your choice. A travel to Nagaland would bowl you over with sheer magic. Bow down your head in reverence to the graves of those to those to gave their life in wars or trek through the rugged terrains to view the breathtaking peaks, tranquil lakes and the green velvet that wraps the rolling valleys. Treasure your travel to Nagaland with experiences of a lifetime.