In this modern world of blurring geographical boundaries, people are traveling like never before. With the rapidly changing face of travel and tourism, both on domestic and international level, everyone is eager to explore the world. This changing trend has resulted in a major boom in tourism for all sorts. Even, women from over the world are traveling like never before. In fact, women have been traveling around the world like never before. Though, the notions are changing with time, women still feel unsafe unless they are traveling in groups or with family. Women travelers often become the easy target.

Some handy tips and really useful advice can help women a lot. Women need to be very cautious while traveling to unknown and far off places. There are some basic tips that can be easily implemented to make the tour safer. As for the basics, one thing that you must keep in mind while commuting in an unknown place is to avoid the lonely and deserted areas. Always aim for a well trafficked street that has the best of transportation, ample restaurants and crowds. The best way is to ask your hotel’s female employees about this. Take care not to mention your personal details like name, room number etc. loudly so as not to make yourself heard to anyone. Never write down your room number or any details on any envelopes or public documents that can be accessed by anyone.

Try to stay away from people who seem to be hanging around the elevator area. Another most important thing that you must keep in mind is to look for a parking place that is well lit and guarded. Always take along a security doorstop for extra protection while staying in hotels. While roaming around a foreign place, always study the road map beforehand. Carry just one or two credit cards while shopping around. Another thing that women travelers need to remember is to carry larger and smaller currency in different pockets to avoid exhibiting wads of currency at public places. If you wish to ask for direction, then, approach women for safer information as you would not be unnecessarily misled.

While walking on sidewalks, keep your handbags and other valuables away from the street side. If you are in for an overnight flight, it is best to stack all the valuables in a waist pouch. Try to be close to your valuables during airport security checks. Always vouch for authority approved taxi. Always use prepaid cards and save local police contact number in the speed dial. If you feel like someone is chasing you, do not stop until you reach some well lit and crowded area. If possible, park in a way that you do not need to back out to make way for a speedy departure.

Always carry a small, durable flashlight and extra batteries with you while traveling. Avoid any sort of bling so do not wear flashy or expensive jewelry. In case, someone tries to snatch your handbag or any valuables, it is best to let go and then cry out for help. Do not attempt to take on single handedly. Another thing that women traveler need to understand is to gain knowledge of dressing etiquettes of the place. Try to be in sync with the local dressing sense to avoid attention. One more important thing is to stay alert even in public places as pickpockets often chose their targets at such places.

All in all, caution and staying alert is the key to safer travel. Do not let the dangers dampen your travel spirits as the beauty of the world will calm away the feelings of danger. Go, explore the world but be on the safer side.