The best New York City travel deal is one that includes airfare, lodging, entertainment and maybe even a few meals or a budget for limited transportation within the city. The best way to find a deal like that is book your trip in advance. Not only do you have a much wider variety of choices doing it this way, you avoid last minute rushing that can end up costing you more.

Another superb way to find a great New York City travel deal is to opt to travel during off-peak times. A January trip to New York will always cost less than a trip during the middle of summer when everyone else is traveling, too.

Get in touch with New York’s tourism and information centers to get some great information about what’s available and when, and lists of things to see and do in New York City. These centers can provide you with brochures and information about the best parts of New York for travelers to visit and they can even refer you to other places where you can find information about booking a great New York City travel deal.

Comparison shop on the Internet. There are many websites that have one purpose—to give you the best airfares, lodgings and accommodations at the best prices. You simply choose where you want to go and when and you’ll be given a list of flights and hotels with their prices listed so you can choose the one you want. You may even be able to find websites that compare one New York City travel deal with another, saving you time because the airfare and lodging are included and already compared for you.

Browse websites of those who have already traveled to New York and read about their experiences. The Internet is a wealth of information on any subject, but travel information is particularly valuable. You can even find information from people who regularly visit the area, or those who travel frequently and know the ins and outs of finding a New York City travel deal. Let their knowledge help you find the best deal for you.