When the weather is like this ( very hot, very sunny) almost every kind of transportation doesn’t look good. Everything depends of how long we will travel and how far away is our destination point. For long distance travels better are trains for sure. Trains are more comfortable, passengers have more space. When whole family is traveling – parents with children – space is very important. Children doesn’t feel so tired when they can move and walk during the travel. Of course when trains haven’t air conditioning travel isn’t so pleasant. The same situation is with buses. If they have air conditioning even long travel can be comfortable. Of course with air conditioning we have to be careful, cool air can do many damages with our health. Even if travel is good constantly sneezing on vacation can damage whole holidays.

As I said if our travel is not far away from our home better way than train is to use busses. Small private busses will take us to many places, fast and with cheap prices. For instance if I live in Krakow and I want to go for Auschwitz Birkenau tour I can use one of services called Krakow transfers. They will take me to my destination point in very short time. It’s much faster than go to train station, wait for train and go there. Company like that can also provide guide, who will tell me many interesting things about place where am I going.

Decision which way of transport use depends only of our expectation, time we have and also money we can spend. It’s our individual case, and should be planed some time before our holidays. If we don’t have to reduce our expenses we will surly decide for the fastest way to get to our destination. Otherwise we have to find way of transportation that will be much cheaper but the travel may take long hours.