Rohit’s parents will be completing 50 years of their marriage next month. He wants to send his parents on a tour to North India to celebrate their anniversary. But one thing about which Rohit is concerned, is about how his parents will manage their health.

But if think over it, it is not that difficult. By taking care of few things you can easily send you parents on tours and trust them for managing their health.

Following are few useful tips which you have to take care before help them to pack their bags…

Health: Before making any kind of reservation check if your parents are well and are not suffering from any health issues like cold, cough or fever. It is always better to ensure they are fit to go for the trip. Avoid if any of the two are not keeping unwell or having any kind of illness.
Medicines: If your parents are on any kind of medication then it is better to check that they carry all their medicines. Inform your family physician about their tour and ask him if they need to change their medicines or carry any other extra medicines with them. It is advisable to carry medicines for some basic things like vomiting, headaches, body aches and diarrhea as all these are common problem one faces while travelling due to climate change and change in diet. It is common for old people to forget things and taking medicines is one of them. If you don’t want this to happen then remember to set alarms in their mobile phone which will remind them to take their medicines on time.
Health Insurance Card: It is very important that your parents carry their health insurance card with them without fail.Health exigencies can arise anytime and at such times your parents can easily take treatment with help of their health insurance card.
Right bag: Most of the times, old couples carry wrong bags when travelling Oldies are prone to slips, falls so make sure you give them right kind of luggage. You can opt for Strolley bags which can be easily dragged and will also avoid back and shoulder aches.
Mobile Phone: Give your parents a mobile phone which will act as medium to communicate. Make it a point that you call them once a day and ask them about how their day went, did they eat properly, took medicines etc.
Clothes: Ensure that your parents carry right clothes according to the climate. Make sure they carry warm clothes if they go in winters and carry cotton light clothes in summers along with hats or umbrella to avoid headaches due to sun. Along with clothes it is very important for them to carry right kind of shoes. Buy them a pair of sports shoes if not there, as they very comfortable while walking and travelling. Also make sure that they carry extra pair of sandals and slippers.  To read more about Travel tips for Old People