Traveling, when you are old or on medication, can be more trouble than it is worth. After all, lugging pillboxes around and finding prescription drugs when you are on the go can be difficult. Further, taking medications when you are not familiar with the local community or do not speak the vernacular can be challenging – especially when you find yourself needing medical attention. If you are still keen on traveling despite your age or need for medications, here are some tips:

1.Settle your vacation schedule ahead of time.Planning your vacations or long-distance travel at least three to six months in advance is advisable. This way, you give yourself enough time to address more pressing health concerns that can make traveling uncomfortable. Schedule a check-up with your doctor well in advance of your trip. This is also the time to try new medications if your doctor has prescribed any so that by the day of your travel, you are used to the medication and are equipped to handle any side effect.

2.Discuss your travel plans with your doctor.As you age, constant communication with your health care provider becomes more important. Inform your doctor of your travel plans so he can advise you on matters pertinent to your health and travel plans. Tell your doctor where you are headed and what kind of activities you are likely to take up. The climates, activities, and even the local food of the place you are visiting can have significant impact on your health.

3.Make a medication calendar. A medication calendar is really helpful especially if you will be away from home for a week or so. Just print out or make a personal calendar inclusive of your travel dates. Aside from your daily agenda, also jot down your medication schedules on the calendar. This way, instead of a being a hassle, your medications become a part of your daily schedule. If you find the task of writing or penciling in your medication routine into your daily itinerary, invest in pillboxes and label each with a date corresponding to your travel schedule.

4.Get prescription refills before setting out.Visit your local pharmacy or your doctor to get a refill of your prescription medications prior to traveling. This way, you prevent missing out on your medications just because the amount you brought with you isn’t enough. This is especially important if you are using a medication that is not common or popular. If this is not possible, obtain a duplicate prescription from your doctor so you can get your medications from another place. One thing that might prove to be useful during traveling is a note from your doctor explaining why you need certain medications. This is especially true if you need or use medications such as strong narcotics or antidepressants which can raise questions in airports or in foreign countries

.5.Bring an extra set of medications.Bring extra medication just in case. If you are traveling for three days, for example, you may want to bring six days of medication. Keep your extra medication in a separate bag, if possible. This way, if one bag does get lost, you will have back-up medication. Keeping medications in separate bags can also help you prevent intake mistakes. Keeping them separate keeps you from making the mistake of taking something in excess. In addition, if you happen to drop a pill or lose one, you won’t be a pill short during your travels.