Traveling with your dog can be great fun, adding to the pleasure of a trip. Most dogs love the adventure of traveling and when your dog comes along, you won’t have to worry about him when your gone.  Here are some trip tips to make traveling with your dog enjoyable.

A pet travel guide for dogs of all sizes is highly recommended to take on your adventure.  Meet up with friends, other dog owners, or if you have a few dogs of your own and they are different sizes.  Look for pet friendly hotels, bed and breakfast.  Book your reservations before your trip. Make sure you log the phone number of the hotel into your cell phone in case of an emergency or just to check in from the road.  

Bringing a dog travel guide with you will not only help with planning a vacation with your dog, but also help you find listings of sites that feature dog friendly accommodations and travel tips.  One tip for those planning a trip to a hot destination is to pack vaseline or bag balm to comfort your dogs paws after walking on hot sand or sidewalks. Another comfort I have found in my travels is Rescue Remedy, which is a Bach Flower Essence available in the health food section of most stores. This natural, gentle stress reducing liquid can often help both people and animals with travel sickness, injury, fright, illness, travel fatigue and irritation. Add a drop in your water bottle and in their water or rub some on their ears. Rescue Remedy can be used in conjunction with other meds.

When traveling, packing, preparation and other trip tips.  Whether you are taking your pet or boarding her, make sure all vaccinations are up to date. You want to be prepared, you most likely will take your dogs to pit stops where many other dogs have come and gone before you. Keep your dog protected from kennel cough, rabies, lyme disease, fleas, tics, and any other common ailment your vet recommends.  Bring dog medical records, make sure his collar has an ID tag with your cell phone number on it, and carry a picture of you and you dog with you, in case he gets lost on your trip.  Make a dog traveling kit which may include dog food, water, portable food and water bowls, dog brush, wipes, baggies to clean up dog poop, blanket, towels, pet first aid kit, a flashlight, dog bed, and dog crate.

5 tips for safe car travel with your dog. For some pet parents, a trip’s no fun if the four-legged members of the family can’t come.
*  Riding in a well ventilated dog carrier they are used to will keep them calm, comfortable    and safe in the car.  
*  Feed them a light meal three to four hours before you leave.  
*  Bottled water is best.
*  Never leave your animal alone in your parked car.
*  Microchip your canine companion.

When hitting the road with a four-legged friend, prepare your dog for the journey. Travel tips, identification, good travel manners and sight seeing will go much smoother when your dog is trained in the basics of obedience commands.  One thing that is a must, your dog must come to you every time he is called.  Although your dog will most likely be in a harness or on a leash, being trained in obedience to the basic command of “come” is the number one rule.  For your plans to go well, make sure your dog is properly socialized.  You will be happy to know that your dog is at ease around other animals and people.  So, if you haven’t socialized your dog yet, start now, before you leave. Call up your friends or neighbors and plan a doggy play date on neutral ground, a dog park or a local pet shop.  

Hotels have tips for becoming pet friendly. Make sure you treat your hotel room like your home away from home. Be sure to clean up after your dog because many hotel owners have stopped allowing pets due to the mess they make and havoc they wreak.  Remember to call ahead even after you have booked your reservation in case they have changed their minds on allowing pets since the original time of booking. Most of all, enjoy your get away together!