Saving money has never been more important than in today’s economy. These days, no one can afford to travel as much as we used to. We all have to find ways to lower our travel expenses and learning to travel on a budget doesn’t have to be painful if you follow these 7 cheap travel tips, you can make the most out of every mile that you go.

1. Travel light: You can avoid costly travel fees, by leaving some stuff at home. You don’t have to pack a different outfit for each day that you will be gone. Instead, pack clothing that is versatile and can be worn different ways. It’s cheaper to wash an item than it is pay luggage fees at the airport.

2. Tour Packages: Taking advantage of tour packages is a great way to travel on a budget. Research different packages online to get the best deals. Tour Packages often include things like travel, and meals and lets you see as much as possible during your trip. You can go it alone and research different packages yourself online or you can get a travel agent to do it for it. Make the most out of your vacation if you are one that likes to see the hotspots.

3. Keep track of your money: Carrying cash while on vacation is just not feasible these days. This is particularly true if you are travelling to a high tourist area. Using ATM cards, credit cards and verified travelers checks is easier and safer. Since ATM and credit cards require pins to be used for gathering cash, you are less likely to have your money stolen should you lose your card. Verified travelers checks require you to sign them at time of use. This can also protect you.

4. Understand foreign currency: This is an important rule because it will help you to pre-plan the amount of money that you will bring for your trip. Knowing how much foreign currency is worth can significantly lower your expenses because you can bring what you can afford to bring.

5. Mobility: Plan ahead how you will get around once you reach your destination. Will you rent a car? Will you prefer a bike? These are important questions to ask yourself.

6. Keep track: You will want to keep track of the money you spend as you go so that you don’t go overboard.

7. Travel Documents: Keep track of all of your travel documents like passports just in case you misplace one of them. Just remember to keep them separate and secure. A replacement is useless if you can’t find it.

Following these travel tips, you can afford to travel even when money is tight. Working with a budget doesn’t have to mean that you have to stay at home throughout your vacation. With these tips, you can make the most out of your vacation time, no matter how much money you have to spend and still have a great time.