One of the most biologically diverse areas on the planet, the Amazon rainforest is home to millions of different animal and plant species that will enrapture all nature lovers. If you’re not afraid to give away your comfort for a few days and travel deep into the heart of the jungle, you are assured to encounter some exotic and fascinating species, and enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience learning about the amazon’s infinite natural wonders.

With 60% of its territory covered by the rainforest, Peru is the perfect destination to launch your Amazon expedition. Whether from Iquitos, large jungle settlement located directly on the Amazon River in northern Peru, or from Puerto Maldonado, gateway to the country’s most beautiful natural reserves in the south, you will find countless opportunities to observe the spectacular wildlife that populates the jungle. Hop on a cruise or stay in a jungle lodge for a few days, and explore the rainforest with expert naturalist guides who will tell you everything you need to know about the Amazon’s mysteries and secrets.

The Tambopata National Reserve, located near Puerto Maldonado is arguably the best destination to spot exciting jungle animals, as it boasts one of the most diverse wildlife. Over 700 bird species, 1,200 butterfly species, 90 mammals, and 120 reptiles are believed to live within the reserve, and many more are probably yet to be discovered. If you are lucky, you might be able to catch a glimpse of a caiman at night, and you will without a doubt see many parrots, monkeys, and all sorts of terrifying insects such as giant tarantulas roaming around. Be warned, the jungle is not for the faint of heart! You will also be able to spot tapirs, turtles, capibaras, and maybe even a jaguar, although chances are really slim.

One of the many exciting species that you will have the chance to see in the Peruvian Amazon, and nowhere else in the world, is the pink dolphin. This endangered species is one of the most vulnerable in the world and very few of them remain. Therefore, they are guarded like treasures in the rainforest. Interestingly, the pink river dolphin is among the 5 only dolphin species in the world that live in freshwater, and it can be found mainly in muddy waters, where they find it easier to look for food. Make sure you don’t forget your binoculars and you are in for a fantastic journey in the Amazon.