The shops are getting busier, the streets are getting emptier and the smiles are getting wider…it is that time of the year again. Christmas brings blessings and keeps hearts warm in the coldest of months. It’s a gift of God, especially for those who spend their year working and working hard. It is the time when we can add more memories to our photo albums; we can visit our grand parents and take our children on trips to far away places. What is your plan for this year? If you ask me, well I just wanna run away from bar-b-ques going bad, unpleasant guests and empty neighborhoods. If I were to choose a place, Australia will be rocking selection! You wanna know why? Firstly, you don’t have to face a language problem. Secondly, you get entertain by a rainbow of cultures. Thirdly, you get to see places so diverse ranging from Outback to Tropic Australia. It has something for every one. For adventurers, the rides, the amusements parks, the bonjy jumping, skiing, surfing, Para trouping, hiking and even diving…name it and you will get it.

Besides all other attracts, we can’t ignore the fact that Australia is the only country of the World that is a continent in itself. It is a living fantasy with world’s finest sandy beaches. If I think about my holidays in the far east…being honest with you…a couple of days at the beach are fun but when you have 2 week or 3 week holidays the monotony sheds its feet all over the place and you began to run out of ideas to entertain yourself. Another reason is that the holidays in Far East are comparatively ore expensive and busier, especially towards New Year. The flight availability is rare in good fares and those available are sky high. Some airlines even add surcharges to New Year flights!

What fights are like in New year / Christmas time as far as going to Australia is concerned….They are busy of course but the best idea that I am going to give you now is to merge your holiday plan with a far east destination in such a way that you get a couple of days in Manila of Hong Kong and the remaining in Australia. Why? The reason is more mathematical than logical…For instance, the new year flights to Hong Kong are cheaper than going to Australia Directly. So what you do, is buy a flight to Hong Kong and than from Hong Kong there are numbers and numbers of daily flight that you can make connection with. Isn’t it a smart way of doing it? If you thing that only bag packers or singles can do these connections think again…It up to you, you may not leave your plane to last minute. Book a flight to Hong Kong, get the timings and book another one from Hong Kong to Australia than and there. So here you go! You can make any flights to Australia – your next cheap flights! Best of luck