Old Beijing city residents having a fixed process, wedding is very complicated.Including name, NaCai, asked nadia najib, signs, please period, yingqin, known collectively as the “six ritual”.Old people pursues ZaoYu, some families are in early children 14 or 15 starts when friends or matchmaker torre guaranteed kissed.General parents before age 20 the children for their children also began to raise their marriage, are generally the bhutto family close.There is also some social for professional matchmaker with match-making, then also active seek to come! Oad matchmaking.Some matchmaker and two, one to both sides ShuiGe, also have a plenty of two men and women’s both parties matchmaker will introduce each other respectively.These matchmaker communication wide, information and twisted mouth attendance, the spiritual practice, in order to improve the success rate, also often deliberately hide both shortcomings, therefore unlikely.From Beijing’s joking, red by men and women is more relatives from both sides friends offer to propose, also have the man’s parents after liking a daughter, active find her relatives and friends for their son torre as the channel.These matchmaker can be friends and relatives, also can be the servant, fubo at home.The role of jesuits servant just up to hold a formal wedding, when need another please have identity as a formal minister, relatives witness.

After the introduction of the matchmaker, men and women both parties of parents of roughly understand each other after was satisfied, want to live if esther portals.When re-debate marriage factors to consider a lot.Full, han qing two nation is forbidden to intermarry, 5 years although lifted the shun zhi, but social customs and not immediately turn, full, han intermarriage between, also some still little manchu and han Mongolian men marry wives, but basically rarely have the manchu and han Mongolian women marry men for his wife, until the end of the qing dynasty and the republic of China period, intermarried with han has become widespread social phenomenon.
People in the past when the discussion to both married social status (including political and economic status) see more heavy, upper social exquisite to “equal to see the other’s family,” the title, major members with oneself whether ranks and grading considerable.In general her family’s social status can lower than the man man family social status are rarely have less than the woman’s.When women don’t let her and want to the highs of ideas is widespread.
As families, although no middle seat, offices, but also the attention to each other possessions, occupation, income, etc., and your partner’s body is strong, if correct, the man looks whether crafty, the woman would do housework (including cooking, needlework).Which men and women both parties and their respective scopes and somewhat more attention to the woman looks man, tutor, temperament and doing housework skills;The woman focuses on the man’s estate, occupation, ability, therefore has the “perfect match” view.
The marriage of both sides, conduct, whether disabled and bad habits are factors to consider the other family members, the other is also want to consider.If the man domestic population is too much, the virgin daughter face after family internal contradictions may more complex, conversely, the man domestic population too little, and no one in the future have help.In short, to truly marriage can be decided to weigh.
Men and women both parties family will know clearly the above situation, if feel satisfied after to esther had portal, this is a red paper, dramaturgic scripts written above name, age, domicile of origin, the clan three generations (great-grandparents, grandparents and parents) the name, nationality, official position.Men and women both parties to write well, then transfer to each other matchmaker both parents can mutually close.Generally the man family is as dear to task by housewife, the father can also phase son-in-law hit it off from.Dear to place the home, both sides have plenty of each other if they quite satisfied, may also warmly treat.The man’s parents attention is the future daughter-in-law appearance ability and political integrity and her parents attention is the future son-in-law hit it off from the talents temperament.Both sides through dear to further deepen understanding.Also some family selection in theatre mutually close, package under two adjacent boxes.Small family chooses in the temple fair dating.Redneck selection in the bazaar dating.When men and women both parties commonly dating to a, otherwise only meet, men and women both parties will in the past is not permitted.In the other party home mutually close, the parties although knew each other purpose, also want to pretend like does not know inside information.
Two mutually close later, after and family, a relative or a best friend company good, if both sides parents think it satisfied, will exchange GengTie, written on esther 3s children’s character (namely birthday in the year, month, day, which the heavenly, GengTie), and then will measure to star life home watching.
Heavenly, ancient Chinese sale a method of calculating the time in 10 words, respectively, as the heavenly, 12 words as the earthly branches, in accordance with their respective order combination, used to represent specific year, month, day, when, with 60 for round.So when everyone is born the year, month, day, is composed by eight words.Ancient times people again with twelve animal represents 12 earthly branches, formed the twelve zodiac.Economists said star life of men and women both parties mutually must match to marriage, or couples will phase grams.This batch of character is the remains of ancient prevert marriage, no scientific basis, but the people believe the star life, and will XiangShengXiangKe home words of ShunKouLiu, mutually made many as what “green rabbit yellow dog, red horse antelope caught there throughout the long service life, black mice, green cow cattle two thriving black pig merchant.”Phase grams of are: “white horse afraid of green cow, rats, snakes tiger sheep once Hugh like knives file, dragon rabbit tears exchanges, golden pig fear jade dogs.” the monkey not roundFolk still taboo is a goat and the daughter-in-law, think of tiger of sheep daughter-in-law will grams husband, when the widow who is paying.The character of tiger, “wicked daughter-in-law’s husband, hinder end have no children, in-laws Lord poverty.”More things.Lao she like the novel the camels Mr. There is a HuNiu of is, because of a tiger, plus looks not beautiful, character like men, nobody willing to marry her, so until more than 30 years haven’t found the husband’s family.
Men and women both parties of character if phase grams, cannot be married, individual families have to be married, then secretly give fortune-teller some money, put him in the warmest year, month, day, 1980, when changes in both men and women MingXiang photograph, this solution called “crack”.Thus batch purely character.
In addition, but also fortune-telling phase mutually.This is according to the party of the heavenly, born in the sale and Yin yang-five elements with decision, the calculation method of a more complex.In the past, “HuangLi published on five table”, sound for inspection.Detected men and women both parties of MingXiang after another, according to the theory of yin-yang &five elements XiangShengXiangKe check MingXiang phase grams, if both parties are marriage is.
Fortune phase, the animal sign was a hoax, but form customs for most people after dedication.Those who believe that marriage is former doomed people need not say oneself, it is doubtful that people are afraid to get married in the centre, is only “would rather believe its to have no”, suspect its.Some people even though they do not believe, but in order to eliminate the relatives and friends, also can do as the Romans do doubts.
Responsible for close marriage of Yin and Yang according to men and women both parties of Mr Birth horoscope write appraisal, then choose zodiac and pleased god azimuth, kai wedding date and married that mutually, will these of avoid content in writing a red paper, called longfeng post dramaturgic scripts.During the qing dynasty, only through the fortune telling close after marriage made dragon post, just calculate perform a formal wedding formalities.Although a folk, but also as conventional unwritten law.Until the period of the republic of China, the government just stipulated men and women both parties want to run to civil administration bureau marriage certificate.In the past time, the choice to do marriage orientation and sure need to avoid and taboo matters, also have a very cumbersome rules.

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