Planning a holiday can be a lot of fun. There’s a huge world out there to explore, and choosing a single destination can be daunting. Even if you’ve narrowed down your search to one particular region of the world, selecting the place where you’ll spend most of your vacation time can be difficult. Travel books are excellent ways to narrow things down, and the Internet is a treasure trove of useful information for coming up with a suitable place. One important tool that you shouldn’t overlook, though, is the travel video. Whether via the Internet, the library or your local video store, travel videos let you see – and hear – what various places are like.

Visit The World – Virtually

By watching as many travel videos as possible, you can explore the world right from the comfort of your sofa or computer desk. Not sure which continent you want to explore? Check out a selection of videos from each one. Having trouble deciding between one exotic beach locale versus another? Watch videos related to each one to help you choose. Are you unsure of what a particular city or country is like in general? Watch a travel video about one to get a good feel for the culture and atmosphere of any given place.

Enjoy Other People’s Insights

Many popular travel shows are featured on networks like The Travel Channel, so it’s helpful to look around for travel video compilations from those kinds of shows. Usually, these shows are hosted by a couple of people. Over time, you get to know the hosts of these travel shows and can get a feel for what a destination is like based on the host’s insights and general reactions. It’s a really good barometer for how you will enjoy a particular place – especially if you agree with the host’s opinions in general.

Experience The Sights And Sounds Of A Vacation Destination

One of the best things about travel videos is that they put you right in the center of the action. Unlike books, a video lets you see and hear what a location is really like. Crowded city streets come alive with the bustling, chattering crowds; gentle surf crashes pleasantly onto the sand on a secluded, exotic beach. The wind whips through the trees near the top of a lofty peak. The sounds that go along with the sights of a place can really let you in on what visiting there will be like.

Learn Interesting Tidbits

Well-produced travel videos usually highlight the big, well-known attractions – along with a few out of the way attractions. Those lesser known attractions are often the hidden gems of any given destination, and watching travel videos can let you in on those secrets so you can enjoy a more fulfilling holiday experience. As you watch travel videos about the destination of your choice, keep pen and paper handy to jot notes about the special things you absolutely don’t want to miss. Your trip will be that much better for it.

Hear Intriguing Stories

Although part of the fun of traveling is meeting the locals, travel videos give you a preview of what those local people are like. Travel videos often feature brief interviews or tours with local residents who give you an insider’s look at an area’s special sites. By hearing about these things “from the horse’s mouth,” you can gain valuable insights about what the really cool things to do are in the area. From top notch restaurants to little-known, tucked away beaches and attractions, local people give you a unique perspective on their little corner of the world.

Know What To Expect

Finally, the number of benefit of watching travel videos is that they let you know what to expect. While an element of surprise can be fun, you don’t want to experience an unpleasant one by being unprepared. Travel videos let you see another side of the place you’re thinking about visiting; usually, you can tell pretty quickly whether it’s your kind of place or not. In the end, you’ll be better informed and able to make an educated decision much more easily when you’ve watched a decent selection of travel videos.