To handle communication in Tibia effectively it has been organised in channels. You can identify the various channels by the names on top of the tabs. To switch between channels click on the tabs or use the Tab key. If more channels are open than the console can actually display, a small arrow appears beside the name of the last visible channel. By clicking on the arrow, all channels are moved forward and the hidden ones are shown. If a new message is sent in a hidden channel, the arrow turns red.
To open up a new channel click on the button with the file card symbol in the top right hand corner of the console or hit the key combination Ctrl+O. You can select an open channel from the menu by left-clicking on it with the left mouse button. Alternatively, you can open a private message channel to another player by entering the character name in the little entry line at the bottom of the dialog. If you are finished with a channel, you can click on the “X” button on the console or press the key combination Ctrl+E to close it.
As you can see on the tab, communication usually takes place in the “default” channel. However, there are many more channels in Tibia which you should be aware of. Note that not all of the channels are open to the public, so you can switch to a private channel if you prefer to keep your conversations private. Also, keep in mind that as long as characters are level 1 they can only use the default channel or write private messages. Certain players who are entrusted with game monitoring are able to write eye-catching red text. Such messages are generally important, and you should always read them carefully.

Default Channel
Whenever you enter text in this channel your message will be displayed in the game window right above your character’s head. All nearby characters, i.e. those who are visible on the game window will be able to read what you are saying.
It is possible to raise or lower your character’s voice. To do so click on the little volume icon in the bottom left hand corner. The default setting is one sound wave, i.e. normal loudness. If you click on the icon once, your character will yell next time you are entering text, i.e. he will be heard over a great distance. If you click twice, however, both sound waves will disappear, and your character will whisper the next line of text you enter. Only characters that are standing next to your own character will hear what you are saying.
Alternatively, it is also possible to raise or lower your voice by pressing the hash key “#” as well as a letter that will specify the loudness of your character’s statement in front of the text. Thus, “#w [Text]” will cause the following message to be whispered, while putting #y in front of the text will result in a yell and #s will make your character say the following text normally. Note that messages that are entered after #s, #y or #w are always posted in the default channel, regardless of which channel is open while it is entered. Also, keep in mind that there is a delay of 30 seconds on yelling, so characters cannot yell more than 2 messages per minute.
A final note: If you find that the game window is covered by too many statements, you can speed up the automatic removal of statements by using the key combination Ctrl+W. Server Log Channel
In the server log channel, you will receive all kind of server messages. Among others, you can see here how much damage you take, how much damage you deal out or how much damage your summons cause, provided you have not disabled status messages in the console. Also, the loot of all monster that you or members of your party have defeated is shown in this channel. Further, you receive information on raids, the tutorial hints, and all messages you get from looking at things. In addition, you can see the time of your last visit in the server log and will be informed if the server is going offline in the next few minutes for server save or an update.
Different from the other channels, you can only receive messages in this channel. If you try to say something in this channel, it will be automatically sent to the default channel and your message will be displayed in the game window right above your character’s head.
Just like default, the server log channel cannot be closed. However, just like every other channel, you can move it to the end if you prefer to see other channels instead. NPC Channel
In this channel you can talk to an NPC that is standing near you. Simply greet an NPC either in default or in the NPC channel with hi or hello, and the NPC channel will open up automatically. Continuing the conversation will only work in this channel.
Talking to NPCs is generally done by using key words. Sometimes key words are marked in a different colour, sometimes you have to use your imagination to find the right words. Typical key words include name, job, help or mission. If you are looking for new clothes, words like outfit or addon could be useful. You should always watch out for core phrases that will give you a hint on what to look for. However, make sure you do not use swear words when a non-player character is near. Many of them are easily offended, and they may punish you harshly if you insult them! Game-Chat Channel
The game-chat is a chat channel that is open to all players. Any topic that is discussed in this channel must be related to Tibia in some way. Trade Channel
Like its name says, this is a public channel that is reserved for in-game trading. If your character has a vocation and there is something Tibia-related you would like to advertise, this is the channel to use. You can buy and sell items in this channel, but you can also use it to look for a team to fulfil a quest or for members to your guild. If you see something interesting there, you should send a private message to the posting character and work out the conditions.
Note: To avoid confusion the trade channel features an extended message delay of 2 minutes, i.e. players cannot post more than one message per 2 minutes. Of course, it is not possible for characters to post messages in the trade channel while they are muted. Trade-Rookgaard Channel
Since characters cannot travel from the main continent to Rookgaard or vice versa to trade with each other, there is a separate trade channel for all characters on Rookgaard. All characters without a vocation can search or make offers in this channel. Just like in the trade channel on main, you should message the posting character if you see an interesting offer here and negotiate the price. RL-Chat Channel
The so-called “Real life” chat is another public chat channel. Unlike the game-chat, however, players are allowed to discuss any topic they wish and that does not violate another Tibia Rule on this channel. Also, this is the only channel in Tibia where discussions in languages other than English will be tolerated. Needless to say, conversations about Tibia are not considered to be off-topic in this channel. Help Channel
The help channel is a public channel in which you can turn to the tutors for help if you have a question on topics such as the client controls, the use of accounts, the official website or on general game play. You can recognise tutors on the help channel by the noticeable orange colour of the text they write. Please keep in mind that it is not the tutors’ duty to answer in-depth questions about game content such as quests. Private Chat Channels
If you are a premium player, you can open a private chat channel. You can invite any player you like to this channel. Simply right-click on characters or on their names on the VIP list or some other channel and select “Invite to private chat”. Alternatively, you can right-click on the private chat channel tab. This will open up a different context menu which will give you an extended range of options. Apart from inviting players, you can also exclude players from your private chat channel by using this menu. To do so click on “Exclude player”, then enter the character’s name in the dialog. Finally, note that you can also invite or exclude players by entering a hash symbol “#” and a letter that specifies the action you want to take. Thus, “#i [Name]” will invite a player, while “#x [Name]” will exclude the character from your private chat channel.
Players who have been invited on a private chat channel will receive a message. They can join the channel by selecting it from their channel menus. Private chat channels are closed if the character that has opened it decides to do so. If the player who has started the channel leaves the game without closing his private channel, it will remain until the last participant closes it or logs out. Party Channels
In the party channel you can talk undisturbed with members of your party, e.g. to plan the tactics for your next fight. Whenever you enter a party, you are automatically invited to the party’s channel. To join the channel, it must be selected from the channel menu. Whenever you leave a party or the party is disbanded, you are no longer able to use this channel. If you get reinvited to the party, you need to join the channel again. Only members of your party can join the same party channel like you. Guild Channels
Finally, if you are a member of a guild, you will be able to enter a special channel that carries your guild’s name. Guild channels are private, so it is not possible to invite a player who is not a member of the guild to this channel.
During a guild war, it will be displayed in the the guild channels of the involved guilds whenever a guild has scored a kill along with the total of all kills reached in this war. Of course, also the end of a war and its outcome will be announced here.