The market for business air travel is high, and so is the competition. You will come across many airline services offering business air charter travel services. The onus is on you to select the best one that meets your specific requirements. How would you do that? Seek answers to the following questions for business air charter services providers whom you deem suitable for your needs.

Safety record- Ask for the safety record data of any air charter service that you seek. You should take into account how many years the company is in business and how many miles they have flown. In addition, enquire about the safety and security systems and procedures followed by them. You may also check out what kind of training the pilots receive… of course you need to be educated for this!

Customer Service – Ask if the company would assign a dedicated representative for your company. Most companies offer 24×7 customer service, which is necessary for business air charter travel. Then, enquire about the helpfulness of the customer service representatives and how well versed they are in working with VIPs.

The Fleet – Enquire about the aircrafts that the company operates. Enquire whether the company has its own aircraft of leased aircrafts. Enquire about the age of the aircrafts and the fleet in general. There is nothing wrong with leased aircrafts, if they are managed properly. Ask whether all aircrafts operate from one location or have a region wise access

Pricing – Enquire about the pricing scheme. Negotiations are common in business air travel because competition is high in this arena. Ask specifically if the prices being offered to you are fixed or whether you have the liberty to negotiate. Also, enquire if extra fees are charged in case of short notice bookings.