Discounted air travel is a much sought after item and everybody is willing to shop around for one. Nobody actually looks what you get with a ticket at such a ridiculously low price and does it actually constitute being cheap air ticket.

Do you sometimes realize that by getting the cheapest ticket that you actually might be for forfeiting some benefits if you had actually paid the full price? I mean, some airlines cancel the in-flight meal, which might not such an issue. If you’re traveling, a short distance.

There is a way to stay clear of all these hidden clauses. When purchasing an airline ticket and all you have to do is purchase your tickets way in advance of your desired departure date. Some people might say you need to book 30 days before a departure date for international flights and 21 days for domestic/local flights. I beg to differ, as it would just make more sense by booking further in advance. The more time you have less likely you airline tickets are to be so expensive tickets. If you can purchase your international air tickets, three months before departure that would save you some money without having to give up some benefits.

Connecting flight tickets are a nightmare, if you’re not prepared to do the actual running around in the airports and sit around and wait this will become very frustrating when you might actually lose your cool at and airport but at least you got that cheap tickets right. One will always have to compensate for the other, but please do be aware of connecting flights. And what implications thereof are, it would also be good to know that if you’re flying with connecting flights, and you have a meeting at your arrival destination that it isn’t critical importance that you arrive on time.

Auction tickets is another way, that you can get cheap or cheaper Go Airlines or Air India Express airline tickets but there are always terms and conditions to these tickets. Before entering or bidding on certain tickets. I would suggest you read the terms and conditions of these tickets familiarize yourself with them and be prepared to make the sacrifice if there is a sacrifice and not be left stranded and another airport, because you didn’t read the certain terms and conditions.

The moral of the story is that one should always read the fine print before accepting to pay any airline ticket. Whether it is online or offline, as they are always trying to catch you out but after reading this, I know, you will be wiser than the rest of the people out there and making sure you will get a cheap airline ticket that suits you.