Indonesia Destination - Raja AmpatIndonesian beauty spread everywhere. One of them is Raja Ampat Islands in the ‘bird’s head’ Irian Jaya, which is composed of 1,500 small islands.

Although many small islands, there are four major islands in the Raja Ampat: Misool, Seget, Boo and Waigeo and Uninhabited small island.

“The beaches are very beautiful feeling cool and fresh eyes full of surprises.

Raja Ampat’s eastern suburb of West Papua in Indonesia extends horizontally across the equator. Historical story of Raja Ampat is displayed.

Rich coral there grew to more than 550 species. This adds to the beauty of the colorful coral reefs of the islands. More than 670 species of birds can be found there.

Wealth got many organisms there. Consequently, the return to the country, tourists can bring new discoveries of plant seeds. Media wrote it again.

“It was strange mysterious. But this time I did not have a chance. If you visit the village, possibly to celebrate the traditional ceremonies unfolded dances attractive area thereā€