What kind of travel you take varies mostly by what you find interesting and fascinating. Some go for sporting trips and visit locations that ideally cater to their sports of choice. There are also those who prefer luxury resorts for a holiday of pampering and laid back recreation.

But, for those who are highly interested in history and lost civilizations, an exploration of ancient ruins and centuries old localities is the trip of choice. When doing cultural travel, take the following tips to get the most of the experience and enjoy your trip to the fullest.

Most cultural sites are usually located at remote places in the tropics or the desert or on high mountain areas. Their unique locations may mean occasional extreme weather and environmental conditions.

Before packing for your trip, look for significant information about your destination – as much as possible so that you can well prepare for any exigencies that may happen along the way. Also, you want to have prior knowledge of the historical background and significance of the place you are visiting. All of this information will give you a deeper insight and appreciation of your destination and better prepare you for the geography, climate and customs of the people you are visiting.

Cultural and historical travel destinations usually display exquisite handiworks and craftsmanship that you can’t help but get a feel of the people and the region. Restrain yourself. Although the temptation to touch these beautiful pieces of art can be extremely strong – don’t, if you want these sites to survive for centuries to come, you want to do your share of protecting them by not contributing to their early deterioration.

Ancient ruins usually require long hours of walking. A full canteen of water is imperative. Also, stock-up on sunscreen and wear protective long clothing if possible. Sunglasses, hats and big hankies are indispensable when out and about. Also, prepare with good protection against bugs and mosquitoes. You cannot do away with bug sprays if you don’t want patches of red skin and welts to accompany you all throughout your trip. You also need to visit your doctor before leaving for your destination. Inquire about local epidemics and be properly vaccinated for medical conditions in the area.

Also, keep to the designated pathways and do not take shortcuts along prohibited areas.  It is most likely that you will get offers to buy items that are purportedly portions of the ruins. You should do well to remember that these are nothing more than a dime per dozen fakes. Even if they are authentic, you do not want to support such a blatant disrespect of a revered location or risk committing criminal acts by buying antiquities.

Heritage sites of great religious importance may have some set strict rules on decorum and modesty that you should know beforehand. Before proceeding to the area, inquire from a local if there are certain rules that you should be aware of. Otherwise, you may find out too late that you are not properly dressed and risk being deprived of access to a spectacular site.

Finally, it may do you good to bring along binoculars. Some of these sites are so large, you may not have the energy to explore every inch of it. With binoculars, you don’t have to walk long distances to get a glimpse of certain attractions. You can just sit back, enjoy and soak up the distant sights.