I have combined extremely practical tips to almost guarantee that each future air travel trip is an enjoyable one. Why suffer needless frustrations when flying? If you want a comfortable trip in the air to your destination, follow the listed tips below:

1. Be the first one: Make an honest attempt to be one of the first passengers to check early into your scheduled flight; why? As an early passenger, you will have far better choices of where to sit.

2. Picking where you sit: The best seats in all airlines are the seats next to a window. Also, keep in mind that the front rows of the airplane have a lot less turbulence in comparison to the back rows.

3. Carry on bags: When preparing what you must take with you at all times, make your carry on luggage as small as possible; include a set of underwear, a few books, a pen, and a toothbrush.

4. Toilet: If you have to use the toilet and want to shun the crowd, the ideal times to visit the toilet is after departing, and, between meals.

5. Drinking: It’s a very good idea to drink a lot of water during your flight. Why? You will use the toilet more frequently and keep you from dehydration.

6. Alcohol: It is not a very good idea to drink alcohol during your air travel. Why? The reason for this is that the airplane air is commonly dry and thin; if you add any amount of alcohol to that you increase the chances of suffering dehydration and even in some cases, blood poisoning.

7. Travel pillows: A really nice travel pillow will certainly make your flight more comfortable and enjoyable. Bear in mind that the better travel pillows are the larger and thicker ones.

8. Sleeping pills: If you want to take sleeping pills while flying, only take a low dosage. Why? Sleeping pills have a more potent effect when flying 20,000 feet in the air.

9. Flight crew: If you want a pleasant flight experience, it only makes perfect sense to be kind to the airline crew. If you need something, be polite when asking for their assistance. You do not want to give demands, or you will spoil your entire flight experience.

10. After landing: For your safety, do not stand up until the “fasten seatbelt” sign has been turned off. You do not want to find yourself in the awkward position of being stuck standing up along with other passengers in a crammed way for 30 minutes.