Whenever we are travelling to other countries, then we can explore a lot of ways and techniques that can be easy to implement and can also be light on our personal finances. Let’s discuss how we can save money when we travel overseas and actually reach the destination country.



While at the airport, one of the easiest ways to save money is – Try not to change currency at the airport. The currency exchange rates are usually higher at the airport, as they are themselves paying a lot of rent to the airport authorities and have to manage their offices there at the airport.


If it is really a necessity, then try to exchange only the minimum possible currency so as to pay your travel cost to the hotel. Once you have reached your hotel, you can check in you room, come out of the hotel and have your currency exchanged at any of the currency exchange terminals located nearby / in any supermarket at lesser rates. Just be sure to do a comparison of the currency exchange rates at least 2 terminals before exchanging.


Now, with this local currency, you can also pay your hotel bills.



Try to get a mobile SIM card as soon as you are able to get your currency exchanged. This is very important, because making local / even long distance calls from your hotel can be a very expensive proposition. Our goal is to save money while having an enjoyable time, not to waste money unnecessarily. Once you get the SIM card, then you can just send a message to one of your family members back home telling them your new number.



Another one of the ways to save money is – Always be on the lookout for daily currency exchange rates and the places where currency is being exchanged. You can ask the hotel receptionist for this information. They would gladly help you out. Also, there is no need to exchange all your Dollars / Euros at once. Get them changed as and when the need arise. This will help you to save money in many cases. (Taking into account the law of averages – on certain days, the currency exchange rate can be favourable for you and on some days it might not be favourable for you to exchange currency).



For buying fruits / vegetables / water bottles etc, try to go in for big departmental stores. They can be found in the vicinity of the hotels and usually offer the least prices, as compared to any other shops / stores. So, while purchasing the daily necessities , do count this among the ways to save money.



Try not to eat in hotels all the time. Try to explore the local fast food chains / outlets in that country. They are usually very inexpensive as compared to the hotels. In this way, you would be able to enjoy the local cuisine, as well as save money on hefty food expenses.


Wish you an Enjoyable Journey………..


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