Palasari Dam is located in Ekasari Village, Melaya District, Jembrana Regency. This dam was built in 1986, with an area of ??100 Ha with a background of protected forest and has cool air and its use was inaugurated on July 23, 1989 by President Soeharto.

The Palasari Dam was initially functioned as a flood controller and for irrigation of surrounding agricultural land. Besides that the existence of this dam is also used as a place for developing freshwater fish farming. Over time the reservoir has also been visited by many residents for tours. In addition to the moto cross and off road arena, this place also offers fishing and sightseeing tours around the dam while enjoying the beauty of nature around the dam.
To support tourism there, tourism facilities and infrastructure are also available such as villas, food and beverage stalls and also equipped with extensive parking facilities. To be able to visit the tourist attraction of Palasari Dam, it takes around 2.5 hours drive from the city of Denpasar.