Summary: Generally people like to travel in the first class because there is lots of comfort. The passenger can enjoy their5 journey and also at the same time can enjoy all the necessary amenities that are available at the first class. But due to the high cost of its fare the people of the middle class rarely get the chance of travelling in first class and for that this reduction in the fare have given them immense benefit. Cheap First Class Flights have given a chance to those who rarely get the chance of travelling in the first class. The first class flights are decorated with the modern amenities to make the journey of the passenger memorable. The fare of this class is little bit higher because it ser5ves the people with all modern amenities to give a comfortable journey to the passenger. The passengers of this class are mainly the richer section of the society. This richer section can only bear the fare of the business class and for that it has become quite expensive to the middle class p0eople. The middle class people generally cannot afford to fly in the business class. So there is a big rush in the tickets of the econo9mic class. The economic class is made for the middle class people. The fare of the economic class i9s much cheaper and for that the middle class people can afford to fly in the economic class and for that there is a big rush in the economic class. One has to book a ticket six to seven months earlier for5 the economic class.

Cheap first class flights are a kind of policy that has been made by the airlines company. Through the implementation of this policy the airlines company are earning much profit. Their profit level is increasing. Now days there are many private airlines company have come to the market and for that the competition is growing very tougher between these companies. Every company wants to earn the maximum number of profit and for that they implemented this new policy. This has also given an advantage to the passe3ngers who are very much excited to travel in the business. They can fulfill their dream by this policy. So it is very much helpful to them.

The comfort of the business class is really very much beautiful. People generally want to travel in the business class because they want to enjoy the facilities of this class. There are lots of facilities which this class used to provide the passengers.

The people are very much happy to travel in the Cheap First Class Flights. The passenger can enjoy their5 journey and also at the same time can enjoy all the necessary amenities that are available at the first class. The passengers of this class are mainly the richer section of the society.