In geological terms, Ladakh is a young land, formed only a few million years ago by the clasping and folding of the earth’s crust as the Indian sub-continent pushed with enticing force against the immovable mass of Asia. It is bounded by two of the world’s mightiest mountain ranges, the Great Himalaya and the Karakoram, it lies athwart two other, the Ladakh range and the Zanskar range. Ladakh is a land like no other. Age-old monasteries, quaint lanes, colorful markets and stunning views of the Himalayas make Leh an exotic destination. Ladakh lies at altitudes ranging from about 9,000 feet (2750m) at Kargil to 25,170 feet (7,672m) at Saser Kangri in the Karakoram. Thus summer temperatures rarely exceed about 27 degree celcius in the shade, while in winter they may plummet to minus 20 degree celcius even in Leh. Surprisingly, though, the thin air makes the heat of the sun even more intense than at lower altitudes; it is said that only in Ladakh can a man sitting in the sun with his feet in the shade suffer from sunstroke and frostbite at the same time! It is the perfect place for more adventurous and action-oriented people or those who would like to witness the whole new world of spiritualism and the innermost levels of devotion. A cold and dry desert land, the uneven, ragged, barren expanse of white snow-covered land invokes awe and adrenaline rush at the same time.

Leh Palace Leh, where your adventure in Ladakh starts. It is one of the most charismatic architectural ruins that attract the attention of the tourists almost immediately with its majestic setting at the edge of the Namgyal hill and overlooking the town. You can go for trekking through the mountainous terrain of Ladakh, Mountaineering, white water rafting and trekking tours are most adventurous attractions of Leh Ladakh India.

Ladakh Monasteries Ladakh is a cold desert, it has stormily winds, dry atmosphere, roacky and uneven terrain and very low temperature. Ladakhi monasteries or Gompas are typically built on solitary rocks or atop steep hills. They may belong to either the Mahayana or the Hinayana sect of Buddhism but all of them play a major role in the beauty, lifestyle and culture prevailing in the region.

Ladakh Pilgrimage Plenty of Buddhist Gompas and monasteries show the reigning religion of Ladakh as Buddhism. The monastic festivals at Phiyang monastery, Hemis monastery and Chemrey monastery are reasonably popular. All these monasteries belong to Namghyal dynasty.

Ladakh Valleys The highlands of Ladakh is one of the most meagerly populated ones in the whole world with just two people per sq km. Yet, its valleys have such a treasure box of wonders of their own that we thought it best to present the main features of all the major valleys of Ladakh for the benefit of our readers.

For a dream Cold holiday full of disclosures, you can’t beat Ladakh Holidays. Rest and recreation by the bucket load in simply stunning surroundings. Just imagine how jealous your friends will be when you tell them you’ve booked. For more on Ladakh India, please click on the links provided below: Ladakh Travel, Ladakh Tours