If you are looking for the ultimate in travel comfort and flexibility, air charter service may be perfect for your next company business trip. Air charter is simply the renting of an aircraft rather than the renting of a seat. Aeroplane charter companies focus on small groups that have a specific itinerary or time sensitive cargo or freight.
If you are thinking of utilizing the services of a good plane hire company, you may also do some research into air taxis, executive charters, jet charters and even private aviation. In the US, Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations governs air charters, which is less strict than the standards scheduled airlines have to follow.
You might be asking yourself, what are the benefits of a aeroplane hire service? What am I really getting for my money? There are many advantages to air charter travel over conventional air travel. Here are just a few of the biggies:
The most important advantage is travel flexibility. Unlike conventional airlines, private aeroplane charters provide the freedom to set your own schedule based on your needs. If you are not a fan of flight transfers, air charter service will definitely meet your needs. You fly when you want to. Most air charters provide service 24 hours, seven days a week for your convenience. Furthermore, you do not have to worry about missed flights and many of the other inconveniences conventional air travel brings.
If you do much traveling you will certainly appreciate the flexibility in choosing an airport. With plane hire can save you a lot of time by eliminating the need to fly to the nearest international airport. This will ultimately get you where you need to go much faster.
Today the most important aspect in air travel is safe travel. aeroplane charter service takes care of the security and privacy issues. Your plane hire service will have all of the security you need both at the airport and in-flight. Plane hire companies will get you the security you need based on an each individual case. Furthermore, you will never have to worry about luggage loss with air charter service. Anyone that flies often will certainly appreciate such a benefit.
As far as the in-flight perks that come along with air charter, there are too many to mention. Air charters can provide you with gourmet meals or specialized catering services, bars, in-flight movies, and an overall more comfortable travel experience.
Once you have decided to use aeroplane charter services, where do you start? First and foremost, if you are not familiar with how the process works, hire a good air charter broker. An air charter broker cannot only assist you with your travel plans, but they can also get you the best rate and quicker service. If you choose not to use a broker and shop around for service yourself, these are some things to keep in mind:
Get a safety record for any plane hire company you are considering.
Does the company cater to infrequent fliers and will they accommodate on-demand service?
Is there a long-term contract or commitment required?
Are the prices fixed or soft? Are there extra fees is a flight is booked on short notice?
Air charter is becoming a more popular way to travel in the corporate world. Next time you are planning a corporate event that will take you across the country or across the world, aeroplane charter services is one of the best ways to your destination safely and efficiently.