Cheap flights to Edinburgh bring you to the city known for its ancient relics and vibrant modern life. Palaces and modern galleries jostle for space with gothic churches and ancient architectural buildings. It’s a heady combination that never fails to charm visitors who take cheap flights to Edinburgh.
The best time to come here is during summer when the days are long and warm. August is the month when the tourist level is at its peak in the city. The world famous Edinburgh festival is also held in this month. Spring or autumn also bring in tourists who prefer enjoying the city in seclusion away from the maddening crowds of the peak season.
The Edinburgh International Airport plays host to cheap flights to Edinburgh from all over the world. The airport is just 13 km from the west of the city and has excellent connectivity to the city center through buses, car rentals and airport taxis. Star hotels are located adjacent to the airport while there are a number of quality hotels within the city center too.
Edinburgh has unpredictable weather. Some days start as sunny and pleasant but can rapidly change into damp, rainy conditions. Summers have mild temperatures and the sun shines out brightly. Winters are long and frosty but it snows very infrequently. Rains are at their peak in December, January and February.
The best attractions for tourists in Edinburgh include the imposing Edinburgh Castle standing on the mound of an extinct volcano. The Palace of Holyrood House is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II but also hold the memory of the turbulent times unleashed by Mary, the Queen of Scots. The Royal Botanic Garden is undoubtedly one of the finest gardens in the world and is sure to enthrall you with its largest collection of plants and vegetation from 10 different time zones. Another must-see is the Royal Mile, a succession of streets forming the main thoroughfare of the Old Town.
Book your seats on cheap flights to Edinburgh to be here in time for T in the Park music festival. This 3 day festival guarantees world class entertainment and attracts the best talent from all over UK. Other events that bring in crowds in droves are the Edinburgh Mela, the Fringe Festival and the Edinburgh book festival.