For those travelling to the magical land of Egpyt, Cairo is one city that nobody would want to miss. But that’s particularly the reason why flights to Cairo can be pretty expensive. If you are looking to books some cheap flights to Cairo, the first thing you need to do is try and avoid traveling during peak touristic season. Go just before or just after. This will ensure that you get some great deals on the pre and post season air fares as well as hotel stays.

Also when you are looking through search engines for flights, here are some alternate ways in which you can get yourself some cheap airfares. For starters, try flying to Cairo from alternate routes than the usual major one. Get into Tel Aviv in Israel, which is simple enough. Then get yourself on a short haul cheap flight to Cairo. Think of the options of traveling indirectly to Cairo. You can get yourself flights too Nairobi in Kenya or Cape Town in South Africa or to Lagos and Nigeria. Getting to these places works out relatively cheaper. You can then get on a short haul low-budget airline and get to Cairo. Opting for a layover in any one of these cities is a good idea to get cheap tickets to Cairo.

You save a considerable amount travelling to your main destination from one of these cities. Also try and book your tickets on lesser known airlines like EgyptAir, the country’s airliner. You could also opt for airlines like Alitalia or Singapore Airlines that have several non-stop files to this destination. When you are booking your tickets, keep in mind that Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the are when the cheapest tickets available. Mondays are hugely popular with the business class and the weekends are when tourists fly into the city. This makes the tickets all the more expensive. Its best to avoid booking on those days.

When you booking tickets steer away from days that are national holidays in Egypt. Tickets tend to get expensive during this time. Try and look for package deals that include hotel and taxi services. The overall package makes the price you pay cheaper.