Once you have organised the best travel insurance package for your holiday, you can begin to examine how you can get the best out of your Egyptian holiday. Whilst many tourists concentrate their visit on Cairo and the pyramids, you will find there are many more things to do and see than you could possibly fit into a short stay of a few weeks.

In fact, the truth is you could spend many months in this fascinating country and completely immerse yourself in the architectural wonders that have placed Egypt at the forefront of archaeological exploits.

New discoveries are being made almost every month and the excitement that builds around each one is almost palpable. But if your time is limited you need to think about how to maximise your time and plan to see five of the best.

The Pyramids. It is impossible to visit Egypt’s without including the pyramids as one of your must see destinations. The environmental issues which face conservatives of the pyramids have been monumental over the past few decades and it seems that tourists are determined not to play their part. For this reason you can expect a little more constraint when you visit the pyramids but rest assured that it is for the best.
Cairo. The old city of Cairo was once known as Babylon and this alone sparks a romantic and historical note in any traveller’s heart. The city is synonymous with the development of Islam was at the same time it remains the seat of the Coptic Christian community. Cruising the Nile is one of the ultimate pleasures in this wonderful city.
Alexandria. Situated further along the Mediterranean coastline lies the city of Alexandria which was established in 332 BC by Alexander the Great. Although the ancient buildings which once graced this magnificent city are largely gone it is still famous for more modern cultural pastimes and as a location for restaurants and nightclubs. For many tourists, sitting on the edge of the sea with the city at their back it evokes images of a romantic and ebullient past.
Luxor. The Nile Valley abounds with architectural and historical riches and Luxor, the site of the ancient city of Thebes, is home to some of the world’s most glorious relics. It was at the height of its glory around 1500 BC, but the remnants are still there to inspire wonder in all who visit. Walking through the temples of Karnak is an experience you will never forget.
The Western Oases. There are three oases located in the Western Desert, Kharga, Dakhala and Farafra. They are all great starting points for excursions into the desert but, of themselves are still worthy of a visit. Most Western tourists have romantic visions of what an oasis looks like and they will not be disappointed even if they are a little surprised at the sizes. These days oases contain hotels as well as hot springs, shops and cafes that will satisfy every need.

One of the reasons you will want to have a good travel insurance policy when visiting Cairo will become evident to you when you try to cross the street! With cars, bikes and motorcycles weaving in and out of the ill-defined traffic lanes, you will see locals and tourists seemingly take their life into their own hands as they dart across the street, stopping here, running there, in what appears to be suicide mission to get to the other side of the street.