Many people prefer to drive their own vehicle while on holiday rather than fly. Driving to Europe can be especially nice. It’s a great way to get to know a foreign place that you may not see so clearly if you were to fly. Of course, those that are new to driving in Europe would be wise to learn a little about it first. It can be quite different than driving in your home country. There are a few things that you need to be aware of if you plan to take your own car to Europe.

Be selective regarding the time of year that you plan to go to Europe. Certain seasons are much better for driving than others. The spring and the fall is the best time to drive through Europe. Other seasons such as winter are very busy there due to holidays like Christmas. It can be extremely frustrating to drive at that time of year.

Certain European cities are much harder to drive in than others. The very busy ones like London and Paris will be more likely to cause a headache for foreign drivers than smaller towns and cities like the ones found in Sweden or Denmark. Consider the population of the city you plan to be visiting before you drive there if that is something that concerns you.

If you come from a place that drives on the right hand side of the road, then you need to remember that many European countries drive on the left side. This can take some getting used to, especially because of things like steering wheel placement.

Parking is one of the biggest causes of frustration for drivers in Europe. Parking can be very scarce. It is one of the main reasons that many people opt not to drive in Europe. Gather information on parking areas as well as directions to them before you travel.

If battling for a parking spot and busy city traffic does not appeal to you, check in to what types of public transit is available. Even if you choose to drive your own car to your hotel, from there it may be preferable as well as more convenient to take the bus or train.

Before you plan to drive into any European countries, check into all legal licensing information. In most cases, your driver’s license for your state or country is enough but it’s best to be sure. Sometimes you will be required to get a license that allows you to drive internationally. Failure to do so could result in fines or the inability to drive outside of your state.

If you would like to drive in Europe but you do not want to bring your own car from home, look into a car rental. Large scale rental companies can be found in virtually any country in the world. Book your car before you go and it will be ready when you arrive. Driving in Europe can be an exciting way to become acquainted with a new place.