The good season is coming, the weather is nice and the rain is going to stop for a while, until september hopeles. May and June, spring and summer are the best periods to travel in Europe, Italy is one of the favorite destinations but tourists are often not very informed about what’s ezpecting them at their arrivael. Here are few tips for a safe and enjoyable trip to Rome:

1. Booking: it is important not to arrive to the city without a place to stay because, mostly in high season periods. Check the offers before because hotels can be very expensive but Rome b&b offer good deals for rooms or mini hotels in the very center of the city.

2. Listen: tips are always very important if given by people who live the city every day, like b&b hosts, they can suggest very nice places to have a tipycal roman dinner without spending too much money or some pretty and unknown places to visit.

3. Walk or ride a bike: if you are travellink without kids, those are the two best ways to visit Rome. Forget taxies (VERY expensive) and subway (full of pickpoketers) and enjoy the weather taking time to relax and look around.

4. Visit the most famous places: they are unbelievebly gorgeous, it’s for sure worth it, but remember, you are not going to be the only one, tourists are everywhere in Rome and you are going to spend a lot of time standing in line to visit places. Get organized and take you own water, don’t buy it there because it quite expensive.

5. Relax: italian lifestyle is well known all over the world. You are in Italy so you shoud better get used quickly to a different timing or you are going to be mad for how easy italians take life.

6. Tips: it is important to remember that tips to waiters in Italy are not obligatory, you may leave something if you liked the service and the waiter was nice, but it is not necessary, it is just a plus.