Starting this month became the right time to capture the Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java, since it is supported by the sunny weather. In addition, prior to the celebration of Vesak 2010, a number of interesting moments of religious tourism can be immortalized in this world heritage temple.


Landscape photography lovers can choose from several spots to record the beauty of the temple. It can be started from the moment the sun rises. However, the temple complex is open to the public at 6:00 so there is a special permission if we want to be in the temple complex before dawn rises.

If you can not get in early to get into the temple complex, then we can choose to go to the top of the hill area around the temple, as in Hamlet Circle or Mountain Village would Maitan.

Highly recommended went up a hill during the early morning at around 4:00, so when I arrived at the slopes or around the top of the hill we could record the landscape of a temple with dozens of towering stupa morning fog as he accompanied the sun rises.

In the western part of the temple complex outside the region there are paddy fields. From this point, when the late afternoon, we could record the green fields and trees with the background of the temple top. Around this we can also record the beauty of the township residents.

Towards that spot, you’re better advised to use a motorcycle taxi or motorcycle can be rented cheaply. The use of motorcycles could help us to more freely explore traditional villages around the temple complexes.

After spending time outside the temple complex, of course, we could continue taking pictures inside the temple area. Like most pictures of Borobudur temple which many outstanding, of course we can also create similar photographs. Every time we can record up to the temple complex was closed the evening at 17.00.

Vesak Moment

Representatives of Indonesian Buddhists (Walubi) re-organizing this year’s Vesak at the Borobudur Temple. Holy Tri seconds Vesak took place on Friday, May 28th from 6:00 pm until around 21:00. Well, those moments become more traction.

Toward the Vesak, the cleaning of the temple area. A number of preparations, such as creating an altar, made near the temple. At night during the celebration of Vesak, the temple bathed in light. A fluorescent light beam between the stupa would be interesting to immortalized.

“When Vesak, the temple is always a lot of visitors, 24 hours there and hold people. We are so joined a crowded souvenir trade,” explained Sumini, one of the craft vendors in the temple complex.