Normally the pitch would begin with’ “Who wants to follow in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia?” But the fact of the matter is, “Who wouldn’t want to follow in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia?” Late last year Abercrombie and Kent or A&K set up what they call an “Extreme Expedition” through the Arabian Desert or more precisely the Wadi Rum, which is not only located in southwest Jordan, but is best known for its connection with British Officer Thomas Edward Lawrence or better known throughout the world as, “Lawrence of Arabia”!The Dead Sea is your best bet to visit a unique disappearing geological phenomenon. The Dead Sea museum explains the ‘how’ and ‘why’ as well as its future fate to raise awareness to local and global environmental issues. The Dead Sea Panorama is among the 10 best views you will ever get in the Middle East. Bathing in the Dead Sea is exceptionally appreciated by children – the floating is a fun unforgettable experience.

Trains, buses and taxi’s form the centerpiece of Middle Eastern travel services. Car hire with a guide is provided by many local tourist operators. They generally are cost effective and worth considering. Use Google to find them and always ask for (and check) references. Most will require half of the booking fee wired to them before they will confirm the bookings. A number of international companies including the overland companies offer tours. Again check with Google. A number of universities offer summer archaeological digs. Many of these are fee based and no experience is required.No Jordan tour could possibly be complete with a visit to Petra! Access the hidden archaeological treasures of the Rose City on a walk through a narrow, deep siq, where the rocks finally give way to reveal the famous facade of Al-Khazneh (the Treasury). Continuing your walk, you will then go on to explore chunks of this fantastic once-lost city which is full of tombs, temples, an impressive amphitheatre and a Roman colonnaded street.

So this requires the companies who arranges for such Jordan tours to offer professional guide who are fluent in narrating the history of the place and have a great knowledge about the various cultural, heritage and other sites of tourist attractions.Going to the northeastern viewers could see the different features of a rough, dark basalt desert that grasps into Syria; on the other hand going to the south it alters to become a lot of a definitive sandstone desert.Hospitals in Jordan are investing huge sums of money to expand and to augment their medical and surgical facilities, as well as, to provide world-class and expert training for Jordanian surgeons. The hospitals boast of state of the art and high tech equipments and gadgets. The doctors use contemporary and highly advanced surgical procedures for the management of a host of disorders.

While in Jordan, do take the time to see other places as well. Wadi Mujib for example is a must see. We had a really good time there and it’s really close to the Dead Sea. In fact the tour we took walking in the gourge on in the water overlooks the Dead Sea.